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Investor relations


For a better connected society.
All day, everyday.

Invest in RanLOS

Would you like to join our exciting journey? 

You can buy B-shares for example via Avanza, Nordnet or your dedicated bank under the short name “RLOS B” with ISIN SE0019762147.

Our Mission

RanLOS aim to help test engineers and provide businesses the most cost-efficient and easy-to-use OTA test systems for vehicles, base stations, antennas, and other connected devices. We want to contribute to a better connected society and enable companies to lower costs and shorten their product development process. 


Financial reports

/  Annual report 2023
[Download report here]

/  Year-end report 2023 
[Download report here

/  Interim report January – June 2023 
[Download report here

/  Annual report 2022
[Download report here]

/  Annual report 2021
[Download report here]

/  Annual report 2020
[Download report here]

/  Annual report 2019
[Download report here]

/  Annual report 2018
[Download report here]

Financial calendar


/  6 August
Interim report January – June 2024


/  21 February
Year-end report 2024

/  25 April 
Annual report 2024

/  23 May (14.00 CEST)
Annual general meeting


Events och presentations

Louice Rosdahl presenting at Redeye Investor Forum 2024-02-01

Louice Rosdahl, CEO at RanLOS, presenting RanLOS at “Stora Aktiedagen 2023”

News and press releases​

Vid årsstämma i RanLOS AB (publ) (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) i Mölndal den 24 maj 2024 beslutades följande...

RanLOS årsredovisning för 2023 är idag publicerad på bolagets hemsida ranlos.com/investors, och finns tillgänglig för nedladdning.

Aktieägarna i RanLOS AB (publ), org.nr 559046-1116, (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma den 24 maj 2024 kl. 14.00 på Flöjelbergsgatan 20B, 431 37 Mölndal...

Investor relations

Louice Rosdahl 
Chief Executive Officer



Veronica Håård
Chief Financial Officer



Our Mission

Our mission at RanLOS is to help engineers and provide businesses the most cost-efficient and easy-to-use OTA test systems for vehicles, base stations, antennas, and other connected devices. We want to contribute to a better connected society and enable companies to lower their costs and shorten their product development process. 

Briefly about RanLOS

Because RanLOS: 

  • are working in a strongly growing market where companies and automakers are looking for effective test solutions
  • have a unique solution for test engineers that are patented, cost-effective, and easy-to-use
  • have international network and contracts of distributions which have interested customers in these markets
  • are working in Gothenburg, a hub within both automotive as well as antennas and communication.
  • has a team with great knowledge and experience from both the industry as well as scaling companies

5 reasons on why you should invest in RanLOS?

Because RanLOS: 

  • are working in a strongly growing market where companies and automakers are looking for effective test solutions
  • have a unique solution for test engineers that are patented, cost-effective, and easy-to-use
  • have international network and contracts of distributions which have interested customers in these markets
  • are working in Gothenburg, a hub within both automotive as well as antennas and communication.
  • has a team with great knowledge and experience from both the industry as well as scaling companies

Investor FAQs

Flöjelbergsgatan 20C in Mölndal, Sweden.

You can view the visit the page “Shares” to get all relevant information about our shares and how to invest.

Our main contact for Investor Relations is RanLOS’ CEO Louice Rosdahl. You can find her contact details here: Louice Rosdahl

We aim to create a better connected society. To do so we need easy-to-use and flexible solutions for testing wireless performance over-the-air (OTA). It includes all relevant standards today and tomorrow; such as 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Work with us and start measuring easier, faster and smarter.