2024-02-22 (13:00 CET)
Press release
RanLOS AB (publ) has received patent approval for a key patent in Japan regarding the patent application ”Method and apparatus for testing wireless communication to vehicles”. RanLOS now has two approved patents in Japan. This strengthens and extends the patent protection for the company’s test system. The patent will be valid until the 15th of December 2036.

The RanLOS test system enables car manufacturers to test connectivity, throughput, and antenna performance smarter and more cost-effectively. With RanLOS solutions, car manufacturers can test earlier in the development process and continuously perform repeatable and reliable testing throughout the whole product development process.
An important market segment that continues to grow rapidly is wireless communication for automotive applications, such as cars, buses, and other vehicles. There is a serious demand for reliable and cost-effective Over-the-Air (OTA) testing of wireless communications for vehicles and other automotive applications and between vehicles on the road. The RanLOS test system is a solution to this problem. It is a portable and accurate test system that can be placed in both existing test facilities and test tents. Together with RanLOS software, the hardware system is connected to standard measurement instruments and turntables, resulting in a smart and effective turnkey solution for car manufacturers aiming to create better connected cars.
For further information, please contact:
Louice Rosdahl, CEO
Email: louice.rosdahl@ranlos.com
Phone: +46 (0) 730-81 99 91
This information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 13.00 CET on February 22, 2024.
About RanLOS AB (publ)
RanLOS is an innovative provider of OTA test solutions for full-vehicle connectivity and antenna testing. The company was founded in 2016 by Professor Per-Simon Kildal, one of the world’s most influential antenna experts. Professor Kildal also founded the companies Bluetest and Gapwaves. RanLOS has its origins from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq Stock Exchange. RanLOS aims to provide customers with the most cost-efficient and easy-to-use OTA test solutions. The patented hardware and proprietary software are based on several years of research and are designed to test all relevant standards such as 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and V2X.
For more information, visit RanLOS website: www.ranlos.com
RanLOS is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG is RanLOS’ Certified Adviser.
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