
EP10: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Discussing automotive testing with Lars Granbom


#10 - Executive Talks by RanLOS

Discussing automotive testing with Lars Granbom

In the landscape of automotive technology, reliable and cost-efficient tests and measurement solutions are crucial. As self-driving and autonomous vehicles develop, the need for reliable communication systems and effective measurement tools has never been more critical.

In this episode of Executive Talks, Louice talks to Lars Granbom about automotive development and why testing solutions are needed today and in the future. They also dive into how RanLOS solution can help automakers with easy and cost-effective testing during the development process.

The importance of testing and measurement
In the landscape of automotive technology, reliable and cost-efficient tests and measurement solutions are crucial. As self-driving and autonomous vehicles develop, the need for reliable communication systems and effective measurement tools has never been more critical. These instruments enable engineers to identify and solve problems efficiently, ensuring that new products and components function optimally.

Lars mentions: “When engineers are testing and developing new products or components, they need to have instruments and tools that are easy to use to be able to do your work. These are like the eyes and ears of engineers.”

RanLOS offers a solution and test system that significantly simplifies the process of measuring vehicle antennas, allowing engineers to measure how antennas radiate in different directions, the quality and capacity of digital OTA signals transmitted between antennas, and much more.

Enhancing vehicle communication and safety
Modern vehicles are sophisticated communication hubs, constantly exchanging large amounts of data with their surroundings, which is essential for safety and efficiency. For instance, if an accident occurs, data can be sent from the vehicle to a base station, which then alerts other drivers, helping them to change routes or prevent further incidents.

Lars: “If you look at modern vehicles, they are constantly communicating with the environment and there are very large amounts of data being sent to and from the car. This is essential for being able to use and develop self-driving and autonomous cars”.

RanLOS solutions can test this type of communication, ensuring reliable and efficient data transmission. Traditional methods of measuring antenna performance often require long distances between antennas and sophisticated setups, which can be costly and difficult to manage. RanLOS has simplified this process, allowing for more straightforward and cost-effective measurements replicating long-distance scenarios at a short distance with the RanLOS reflector and test solution.

Lars: “What we do, which is much less complex than what our competitors do, is that we have simplified the entire setup which makes it easy for engineers to use. RanLOS solution enables engineers to daily measure the different technical parameters of the system and antenna connection”.

Accessible and cost-effective test solutions
One of the primary advantages of the RanLOS test system is its accessibility and ease of use. Engineers do not need to send vehicles to specialized labs for testing; they can perform measurements directly on-site. This not only saves time and reduces costs but also increases the capacity for testing, as engineers can conduct measurements regularly and continuously without requiring specialized education.

“You don’t need to send the car to a specialized test or research lab to perform measurements, you can do it on-site alongside the development process. This is what’s so fantastic, by easily being able to measure continuously”.

Despite advancements in vehicle technology, connectivity issues remain a significant concern for many car consumers, leading to dissatisfaction which impacts the overall driving experience. RanLOS addresses this problem by providing a cost-effective and user-friendly solution for measuring and improving vehicle connectivity, which is at the top of the strategic agenda for many vehicle manufacturers today.

Louice mentions: “Today, vehicle connectivity isn’t good enough and many car consumers are not satisfied. It [connectivity] is at the top of the strategic agenda for many vehicle manufacturers because they don’t have a cost-effective way to measure this”.

Autonomous vehicle development
Testing solutions, like RanLOS technology, plays a pivotal role in the development of autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicles can function safely and efficiently by enabling reliable and continuous measurement of communication systems and antenna performance. This not only leads to fewer accidents and reduced environmental impact but also paves the way for a future where fully autonomous vehicles are a reality.

Louice: “Looking at today, there are partially autonomous vehicles on the market. What we can see is that it results in fewer accidents, less environmental impact, and so on. So, there are a variety of advantages”.

The automotive industry is constantly developing and is driven by advancements in vehicle communication and autonomous technology. Accurate and efficient measurement is essential to this progress, and RanLOS stands at the forefront of providing innovative solutions to meet these demands. By simplifying the measurement process and making it more accessible, RanLOS solutions can help to enhance vehicle connectivity and consumer satisfaction as well as supporting the development of safer and better connected society. As we look to the future, solutions like the ones we have at RanLOS will be crucial in shaping the landscape of automotive technology.

Lars: “For me as an engineer, it’s important to have an easy-to-use instrument which helps me to perform the measurements needed for my design and my product to be as good as possible in the end. That’s what we need to contribute with to the development of vehicles”.

Short information about Lars:

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Make sure to follow RanLOS at LinkedIn, have a look our latest news here or reach out to our employees. 

Application Notes Educational

RanLOS test technology – A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Application Note

RanLOS test technology -
A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Reliable and cost-efficient testing is important when developing wireless communication systems, especially in vehicles today. In this application note, we dive into this topic and introduce the RanLOS test technology, a unique solution designed specifically for Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements. 

RanLOS test technology - A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Illustration of RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system 


RanLOS offers a reliable and cost-effective alternative to more expensive and advanced test solutions, enabling efficient testing and evaluation of antenna radiation patterns and communication system throughput. Its modular and upgradable design allows for easy adaptability and installation in diverse testing environments. 

This application note also dives into RanLOS straightforward measurement process, outlining how to perform a measurement in a few easy steps. Additionally, it highlights RanLOS’ compatibility with various industry instruments and communication standards, ensuring its versatility. 

By using the RanLOS test system, users and car manufacturers get a powerful test solution that can guarantee high quality and performance of their wireless communication systems, ultimately leading to more reliable and safer connected vehicles.

The need for test systems: Methods and solutions

The importance of a robust test philosophy in the development of wireless communication systems, particularly those used in vehicles, is essential. The complexity of these systems, which involve digital and analog subsystems along with extensive software, requires thorough testing to ensure customer satisfaction and the overall quality of the communication system in cars.

To measure the communication system of a vehicle you need to simulate the environment in which the vehicle will be used. The communication to and from a vehicle is typically between a car and the surroundings, i.e. other cars, base stations, road-side systems, etc. what we call vehicle-to-everything communication or V2X-communication. Since the antennas used for the communication are far apart and the communication is wireless, the communication is said to be in Over-the-Air (OTA) far-field conditions.

For final system verification or measurements during the development phase, we want to create far-field conditions. This is because obtaining accurate measurement results requires the antenna’s far-field conditions to be met. Therefore, the antenna under test (AUT) must be in the far field of the probe antenna, i.e. the antenna used for the measurement. This can be done in different ways. Perhaps the most obvious way is to use a large enough shielded room so that the AUT and the probe antenna is guaranteed to be at far-field distance for all frequencies of interest. The main disadvantage with this method is that the chamber must be very large, and therefore will be very expensive. 

A commonly used alternative method is to measure in the near-field at a short distance from the AUT. For this, we need to sample the field in many points on a sphere surrounding the AUT and then use complicated mathematical transformations to get the far-field performance of the AUT. The main advantage with this so-called NF-FF (near-field to far-field) method is that the chamber can be made smaller. However, the disadvantages are that we need a mechanically precise positioning device for the probe antenna, and we need to sample in many points on the surrounding sphere, higher frequencies require more points. This in combination with the necessary mathematical transformations will result in long measurement times. Also, the method is not suitable for direct throughput measurements. 

Besides the mentioned methods for creating far-field conditions for the AUT, there are other methods that do not require large distances and thus can be fitted into smaller chambers. 

One such method is to use a two-dimensional array of antennas that are individually amplitude and phase controlled. With such a configuration it is possible to create a plane wave (far-field) at a short distance in front of the 2D array. However, since controllable attenuators and phase shifters are required for all antenna elements in the array it is a complex construction, and a complicated calibration procedure is required. Another limiting factor is the rather limited frequency bandwidth. 

Instead of using a 2D array of antennas, a single antenna illuminating a shaped reflector can be used. This is a much more flexible solution which often is used in high-precision antenna test ranges, so-called compact antenna test ranges (CATR). In such a setup, the feed antenna is normally placed at floor level in a fully anechoic chamber and the double curved reflector is elevated to avoid the feed antenna blocking the field. The test zone where we will have the desired plane wave will therefore be at a certain height over the floor in the chamber, and thus the AUT must be placed on a tower. 

RanLOS test system is basically built on the same principle but instead of using a complicated double curved reflector, we use a single curved cylindrical reflector. The advantage is twofold. First, the reflector is cheaper to manufacture due to its simpler shape, and second, both the reflector and feed array can be placed on floor level in the chamber. The latter is an important advantage since the whole test system can be placed in a semi-anechoic chamber, e.g., an EMC chamber. Another important aspect is that the feed array and the reflector can be made as one unit, which makes it possible to make it mobile so that the test system easily can be rolled in and out of the chamber. Thus, allowing for the chamber to be used for dual purposes, e.g., EMC and antenna testing. The feed array in the RanLOS test system is a dual polarized passive antenna and as such can be used either as a transmitting or receiving antenna, allowing both antenna performance and throughput measurements.    

So, although the RanLOS test technology is less complex, it can deliver the same high measurement quality as expensive and advanced test facilities. 

Additionally, with RanLOS accessibility users can easily perform daily measurements throughout the development process, saving costs and speeding up time to market.

In summary, types of measurement solutions

  1. Far-field chamber, large and expensive
  2. Near-field to far-field method, smaller chamber than the far-field chamber, complicated and advanced equipment, need post-processing, expensive and limited frequency bandwidth
  3. Two-dimensional array of antennas, complicated design and calibration, expensive
  4. Single antenna with double curved reflector,
    smaller chamber, rather complicated, expensive
  5. RanLOS solution, smaller chamber, easy-to-use system that is easy to calibrate and very cost-effective compared to the other solutions

Short video of the benefits of RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system

How to perform a measurement in a few easy steps with RanLOS test system

  1. Select measurement set-up 
    • Align RanLOS measurement system 
    • Choose type of measurement set-up: Passive – Antenna radiation pattern 
    • Active – Wireless system throughput and performance 
    • Select instrumentation, Vector Network Analyzer, or Communication Tester 
    • Select positioner, turntable, etc. 

  2. Perform calibration 
    • Place the calibration antenna at the centre of the turntable 
    • Follow the guidelines in the software 

  3. Perform measurements
    • Place the device under test (DUT) in front of RanLOS BeamForce 42
    • Initiate RanLOS measurement software, select frequencies, angles, etc. 
    • Perform the measurements with the help of the software 

  4. Analyze and visualize measurement results
    • Tables 
    • Plots 
    • Graphs 
    • 1D, 2D, or 3D 
    • Mathematical analyzes 
    • Export to other software, etc. 

Do you want to learn more about RanLOS test technology? Make sure to download our free pdf version of this Application Note below and learn about RanLOS unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements. ✅

RanLOS-5G-OTA Testing

RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system in Japan

Want to learn more?

Make sure to follow RanLOS at LinkedIn, have a look our latest news here or reach out to our employees. 

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Kommuniké från årsstämma 2024 i RanLOS AB (publ)

2024-05-24 (16.15 CEST)
Press release – Regulatorisk / Regulatory

Kommuniké från årsstämma 2024 i RanLOS AB (publ)

Vid årsstämman i RanLOS AB (publ) (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) i Mölndal den 24 maj 2024 beslutade enligt nedan. Alla beslut fattades med erforderlig majoritet.



Fastställande av räkenskaperna för 2023 och ansvarsfrihet
Årsstämman fastställde resultat- och balansräkningarna för Bolaget 2023. Styrelseledamöterna och den verkställande direktören beviljades ansvarsfrihet för räkenskapsåret 2023.

Årsstämman beslutade att ingen utdelning ska utgå för 2023 och att Bolagets disponibla vinstmedel ska överföras i ny räkning.

Styrelseval, revisorsval, styrelsearvode och revisorsarvode
Årsstämman beslutade att antalet styrelseledamöter ska vara fyra med en suppleant och att antalet revisorer ska vara en.

Årsstämman omvalde styrelseledamöterna Anders Lyrheden, Cécile Schilliger, Jan Carlsson och Daniel Åman. Anders Lyrheden omvaldes till styrelseordförande. Som suppleant valdes Susanne Schilliger Kildal. Till Bolagets revisor omvaldes det auktoriserade revisionsbolaget KPMG AB och det noterades att Daniel Haglund fortsatt kommer att vara huvudansvarig revisor.

Årsstämman beslutade vidare att arvodet till styrelsens ledamöter ska uppgå till totalt 1,5 prisbasbelopp till extern ordförande och 1 prisbasbelopp till extern ledamot. Inget arvode ska utgå till styrelseledamot som är anställd i Bolaget eller till styrelseledamot som är operativ i bolaget eller ej oberoende i förhållande till större aktieägare i Bolaget. Arvode till revisor beslutades utgå enligt godkänd räkning.

Bemyndigande för styrelsen att besluta om nyemission av aktier
Årsstämman beslutade, i enlighet med styrelsens förslag, att bemyndiga styrelsen att intill nästa årsstämma vid ett eller flera tillfällen, med eller utan företrädesrätt för aktieägarna besluta om nyemission av aktier, teckningsoptioner och/eller konvertibler, med rätt att teckna sig för respektive omvandla till aktier i Bolaget, motsvarande högst 15 procent av Bolagets aktiekapital per dagen för stämman, att betalas kontant, genom kvittning eller med apportegendom. Avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt ska kunna ske i samband med framtida investeringar i form av förvärv av verksamheter, bolag, andelar i bolag eller i övrigt för Bolagets fortsatta expansion. Om styrelsen finner det lämpligt för att möjliggöra leverans av aktier i samband med en emission enligt ovan kan detta göras till ett teckningspris motsvarande aktiernas kvotvärde. Bemyndigandet ska gälla längst till och med nästa årsstämma.

För ytterligare information kontakta:
Louice Rosdahl, VD, RanLOS AB (publ)
Telefon: +46 (0)73 081 99 91

RanLOS är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG är bolagets Certified Adviser.


RanLOS är en innovativ leverantör av kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av antennsystem och connectivity. Företaget grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS har sina rötter från Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige, och är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. RanLOS produkter är utformade för att testa fordon, basstationer, antenner samt andra uppkopplade enheter och kan testa relevanta standarder såsom 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi och V2X. Läs mer på

RanLOS aktie (RLOS B) är föremål för handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm med SKMG som Certified Adviser,


Louice Rosdahl
+46 (0)73-081 99 91

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Ready for global expansion


Ready for global expansion? Yes!

“With a pipeline of approximately SEK 70 million involving some of the world’s leading car manufacturers, subcontractors, and test labs, RanLOS is ready for global scaling.”

—  Louice Rosdahl

RanLOS are ready for global expansion

Ready for global expansion

In 2023, RanLOS reached several milestones. One of the most notable achievements was building our pipeline to approximately SEK 70 million with some of the world’s leading car manufacturers, subcontractors, and test labs. Through close collaboration with our resellers, we conducted several successful demonstrations that clearly show the reliability and simplicity of our system. With these demonstrations, we have expanded our pipeline and gained multiple sales opportunities in all our key markets, making us ready for global scaling and expansion. The demonstrations have not only impressed existing and potential customers but also sparked curiosity and interest from potential partners. One result of this is the new partnership with the measuring instrument company Anritsu.

We also sold and delivered our first test system to the European market in 2023. It was a strategically important order that, in addition to the test system, also includes new modules and related products that we are developing together with the customer. These have already significantly increased the order value in other ongoing sales dialogues. The market potential for OTA testing is large and growing steadily. Currently, only a few car manufacturers around the world have invested in their own measuring equipment to measure connectivity. But with increasing demand, this is expected to become standard within a few years. By integrating our system with Anritsu’s instruments for 5G measurements, we have created a cost-effective turnkey solution for all customers and markets, this also has the potential to become a market standard.

Trends and Insights from VECS 2024

During 14-15th of May, we visited VECS (Vehicle Electronics & Connected Services) in Gothenburg. VECS is one of the largest automotive events in Northern Europe with focus on Autonomous, Electrification, Connected Vehicles & Mobility. We met the automotive community, as well as getting insights from RISE, Hampleton, Mercedes-Benz, MOIA, Volvo, etc.

Our conclusion from the event is that the development within the automotive industry is changing fast, and OEMs need to adapt to keep pace with the ongoing development. It includes autonomous driving, connectivity, and connected cars, but also new concepts and behaviors that can shape the future of automotive. Also, to ensure that all modern vehicles are safe on the road, testing is a vital part which is even more important with new technology and connected solutions evolving.

From VECS 2024 (Vehicle Electronics & Connected Services) in Gothenburg

Summary and final thoughts

To conclude, all our developments not only give us credibility and trust in the market but are also a strong foundation for continued growth and success. The rapid changes in the automotive industry will need solutions for reliable and cost-efficient testing – which is exactly what we at RanLOS bring to the market. Solutions that help automakers perform OTA and antenna performance testing in an easier, faster, and smarter way.

Best regards, 

Louice Rosdahl, CEO at RanLOS

Watch Executive Talks #9 (below) to learn more about RanLOS’ market focus, sales strategy, etc. ⬇️

Executive Talks by RanLOS #9 – with Louice Rosdahl

Want to learn more?

Make sure to follow RanLOS at LinkedIn, have a look our latest news here or reach out to our employees. 

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RanLOS publicerar årsredovisning för 2023

2024-04-26 (09.00 CEST)
Press release – Regulatorisk / Regulatory

RanLOS publicerar årsredovisning för 2023

RanLOS årsredovisning för 2023 är idag publicerad på bolagets hemsida, och finns tillgänglig för nedladdning.

RanLOS årsredovisning 2023

För ytterligare information kontakta: 
Louice Rosdahl, VD, RanLOS AB (publ)
Telefon: +46 73 081 99 91

RanLOS är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG är bolagets Certified Adviser.

RanLOS är en innovativ leverantör av kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av antennsystem och connectivity. Företaget grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS har sina rötter från Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige, och är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. RanLOS produkter är utformade för att testa fordon, basstationer, antenner samt andra uppkopplade enheter och kan testa relevanta standarder såsom 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi och V2X. Läs mer på

RanLOS aktie (RLOS B) är föremål för handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm med SKMG som Certified Adviser,


Louice Rosdahl
+46 (0)73-081 99 91

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PR - All PR - Regulatory

Kallelse till årsstämma i RanLOS AB (publ) 2024

2024-04-25 (19.00 CEST)
Press release – Regulatorisk / Regulatory

Kallelse till årsstämma i RanLOS AB (publ) / Notice to attend the Annual General Meeting of RanLOS AB (publ)

Aktieägarna i RanLOS AB (publ), 559046-1116, (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) kallas härmed till årsstämma den 24 maj 2024 kl. 14.00 på Flöjelbergsgatan 20B, 431 37 Mölndal.

The shareholders of RanLOS AB (publ), corporate registration no. 559046-1116, (“RanLOS” or the “Company”), are hereby given notice to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on 24 May 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at Flöjelbergsgatan 20B, 431 37 Mölndal.


Rätt till deltagande och anmälan till årsstämma / Registration and Notification

Rätt att delta i bolagsstämman har den aktieägare som:

  1. dels är införd i den av Euroclear Sweden AB förda aktieboken per den 15 maj 2024, samt
  2. dels har anmält sin avsikt att delta till Bolaget så att anmälan kommit Bolaget till handa senast den 20 maj 2024. Anmälan ska skickas till RanLOS AB (publ), Flöjelbergsgatan 20C, 431 37 Mölndal. Ovanstående får även inges elektroniskt och ska då skickas till:

Any shareholder wishing to participate at the Annual General Meeting must:

  1. be entered in the share register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as per May 15th 2024, and
  2. provide notice to RanLOS AB (publ) of its intention to participate so that the notice is received by the Company no later than May 20th 2024. The notice shall be sent to RanLOS AB, Flöjelbergsgatan 20C, 431 37 Mölndal. The above may also be sent electronically and shall then be sent to:

I anmälan ska uppges fullständigt namn, person- eller organisationsnummer, aktieinnehav, adress, telefonnummer dagtid samt ska, i förekommande fall, uppgift om antal biträden (högst två) lämnas. Anmälan bör, i förekommande fall, åtföljas av fullmakter, registreringsbevis och andra behörighetshandlingar.

The notice must include the shareholder’s full name, personal identification number or corporate identification number, shareholding, address, telephone number daytime and when applicable, information regarding number of attendees (maximum 2). The notice shall, where applicable, be accompanied by power of attorney, registration certificate, and other authorization documents.

Förvaltarregistrerade aktier / Nominee registered shares
För att ha rätt att delta i årsstämman måste en aktieägare som låtit förvaltarregistrera sina aktier, förutom att anmäla sig till årsstämman, låta registrera aktierna i eget namn så att aktieägaren blir upptagen i framställningen av aktieboken per den 15 maj 2024. Sådan registrering kan vara tillfällig (s.k. rösträttsregistrering) och begärs hos förvaltaren enligt förvaltarens rutiner i sådan tid i förväg som förvaltaren bestämmer. Rösträttsregistreringar som gjorts av förvaltaren senast den 20 maj 2024 kommer att beaktas vid framställningen av aktieboken.

To be entitled to participate at the Annual General Meeting, shareholders who have caused their shares to be registered with a nominee must request that they be temporarily registered in their own name in the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Sweden AB as per May 15 2024. The shareholder should provide notice to the nominee thereof in due time and register their shares with voting rights in accordance with the nominee’s instructions. Voting rights registration made by the nominee no later than May 20 2024 will be taken into account when preparing the share register.

Förslag till dagordning / Proposed agenda

  1. Stämmans öppnande 
    Opening of the meeting
  2. Val av ordförande vid stämman
    Election of chairman of the meeting
  3. Upprättande och godkännande av röstlängd
    Preparation and approval of the voting register
  4. Val av en eller två justeringspersoner
    Election of one or two persons to verify the minutes
  5. Prövande av om stämman blivit behörigen sammankallad 
    Determination of whether the Annual General Meeting has been duly convened
  6. Godkännande av dagordning
    Approval of the agenda
  7. Framläggande av årsredovisningen och revisionsberättelsen
    Presentation of the annual report and the auditor’s report
  8. Beslut om / Resolutions regarding

    a) Fastställande av resultaträkningen och balansräkningen för bolaget
    Adoption of the income statement and balance sheet for the Company

    b) Dispositioner beträffande bolagets resultat enligt den fastställda balansräkningen
    Allocation of the Company’s results according to the adopted balance sheet

    c) Ansvarsfrihet åt styrelseledamöterna och verkställande direktören
    Discharge from liability for the directors and the CEO

  9. Fastställande av antalet styrelseledamöter, suppleanter och revisorer
    Resolution regarding determination of the number of directors, deputies, and auditors

  10. Fastställande av arvoden till styrelsen och revisor
    Resolution regarding determination of the fees payable to the directors and the auditor

  11. Val av styrelse  
    Election of the Board of Directors

  12. Val av revisor 
    Election of auditor

  13. Beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att emittera aktier, konvertibler och/eller teckningsoptioner
    Resolution regarding authorization of the Board of Directors to issue shares and/or warrants and/or convertibles

  14. Stämmans avslutande
    Closing of the meeting 

Styrelsens förslag / Proposed resolutions by the Board of Directors

Punkt 2: Val av ordförande vid stämman / Election of chairman of the meeting

Som ordförande vid stämman föreslås Anders Lyrheden, Ordförande i RanLOS AB, eller vid dennes förhinder den person som närvarande deltagare utser istället, att väljas till ordförande vid årsstämman.

Anders Lyrheden, Chairman of RanLOS AB is proposed as Chairman of the meeting, or in the event of an impediment, the person appointed by attendees to be elected as the chairman of the Annual General Meeting.

Punkt 8b: Dispositioner beträffande bolagets resultat enligt den fastställda balansräkningen / Resolution on allocation of the Company’s results according to the adopted balance sheet

Styrelsen föreslår att samtliga till årsstämmans förfogande stående medel överförs i ny räkning.

The Board of Directors proposed that all funds available to the Annual General Meeting be carried forward to new account.

Punkt 9: Fastställande av antalet styrelseledamöter, suppleanter och revisorer / Resolution regarding determination of the number of directors, deputies and auditors

Det föreslås att styrelsen ska bestå av fyra ledamöter utan suppleanter. Vidare föreslås att antalet revisorer ska vara en.

The Nomination Committee proposes that the number of directors is four without deputies. Furthermore, it is proposed that the number of auditors is one.

Punkt 10: Fastställande av arvoden till styrelsen och revisor / Resolution regarding determination of the fees payable to the directors and the auditor

Aktieägare (med 75,3% av rösterna) föreslår att arvodet till styrelsens ledamöter ska uppgå till totalt 1,5 prisbasbelopp till extern ordförande och 1 prisbasbelopp till extern ledamot. Inget arvode ska utgå till styrelsesuppleanten eller styrelseledamot som är anställd i Bolaget eller till styrelseledamot som är operativ i bolaget eller ej oberoende i förhållande till större aktieägare i Bolaget.

Vidare föreslås att arvode till revisor ska utgå enligt godkänd räkning.

Shareholder (with 75,3% of the votes) proposes that the fee for directors elected by the Annual General Meeting shall amount to a total of 1,5 price base amount for the external Chairman and 1 price base amount to the external board member. No fee shall be paid to the deputy director or to directors who are employed or operational with the Company, or to directors who are not independent in relation to major shareholders in the Company.

It is furthermore proposed that fees to be paid to the auditor shall be according to invoice approved by the Company.

Punkt 11: Val av styrelse / Election of the Board of Directors

Aktieägare (med 75,3% av rösterna) föreslår omval av nuvarande styrelseledamöterna: Anders Lyrheden, Daniel Åman, Jan Carlsson och Cécile Schilliger. Susanne Schilliger Kildal föreslås att väljas in som Suppleant.

Shareholder (with 75,3% of the votes) proposes the re-election of: Anders Lyrheden, Daniel Åman, Jan Carlsson and Cécile Schilliger. Susanne Schilliger Kildal is proposed as deputy.

Till styrelseordförande föreslås omval av Anders Lyrheden.

Anders Lyrheden is proposed to be re-elected as the chairman of the Board of Directors

En presentation av de föreslagna personerna för omval finns på Bolagets hemsida:

Further information about the other proposed directors can be found on

Punkt 12: Val av revisor / Election of auditor

Aktieägare (med 75,3% av rösterna) föreslår att det registrerade revisionsbolaget KPMG AB omväljs till Bolagets revisor för perioden till slutet av nästa årsstämma. KPMG AB har informerat att den auktoriserade revisorn Daniel Haglund fortsättningsvis kommer vara huvudansvarig revisor om årsstämman väljer KPMG AB som revisor.

Shareholder (with 75,3% of the votes) proposes re-election of KPMG AB as auditor of the Company for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. KPMG AB has informed that in the event it is re-elected, Daniel Haglund will continue in his capacity as principal auditor.

Punkt 13: Beslut om bemyndigande för styrelsen att emittera aktier, konvertibler och/eller teckningsoptioner / Resolution regarding authorization for the Board of Directors to issue shares, convertibles and/or warrants.

Styrelsen föreslår att årsstämman beslutar att bemyndiga styrelsen att intill nästa årsstämma vid ett eller flera tillfällen, med eller utan företrädesrätt för aktieägarna besluta om nyemission av aktier, teckningsoptioner och/eller konvertibler, med rätt att teckna sig för respektive omvandla till aktier i Bolaget, motsvarande högst 15 procent av Bolagets aktiekapital per dagen för stämman, att betalas kontant, genom kvittning eller med apportegendom. Avvikelse från aktieägarnas företrädesrätt ska kunna ske i samband med framtida investeringar i form av förvärv av verksamheter, bolag, andelar i bolag eller i övrigt för Bolagets fortsatta expansion. Om styrelsen finner det lämpligt för att möjliggöra leverans av aktier i samband med en emission enligt ovan kan detta göras till ett teckningspris motsvarande aktiernas kvotvärde.

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting authorizes the Board of Directors, until the next Annual General Meeting, on one or several occasions, with or without the preferential right of the shareholders to resolve on new issues of shares, warrants and/or convertibles, with the right to subscribe for respectively convert to shares in the Company, corresponding to a maximum of 15 percent of the Company’s share capital as of the day of the Annual General Meeting, for payment in cash, through set-off or issue in kind. The reason the Board of Directors shall be able to resolve on issues without preferential right for the shareholders in accordance with the above is primarily for the purpose of procuring new capital in connection with acquisitions or continued expansion. If the Board of Directors deems it appropriate to enable delivery of shares in connection with an issue in accordance with the above, this can be done at a subscription price corresponding to the quotient value of the shares.

Vidare föreslås att styrelsen eller den styrelsen utser bemyndigas att vidta de mindre justeringar i detta beslut som kan komma att vara nödvändiga i samband med registrering hos Bolagsverket.

The Board of Directors, the CEO or the person appointed by the Board of Directors, shall be authorized to make such minor amendments and clarifications of the resolution by the Annual General Meeting that may prove necessary in connection with registration of the resolutions.

Majoritetsregler / Majority rules
Beslut i enlighet med punkt 13 kräver att förslaget har biträtts av aktieägare med minst två tredjedelar av såväl de avgivna rösterna som de aktier som är företrädda vid bolagsstämman.

Resolution in accordance with clause 13 is valid only if supported by shareholders representing at least 2/3 of both the votes cast and the votes represented at the meeting.

Antal aktier och röster / Number of shares and votes
Det totala antalet aktier i Bolaget vid tidpunkten för utfärdandet av kallelsen är 2 009 100, varav 983 900 A-aktier med tio röster vardera och 1 025 200 är B-aktier med en röst vardera, vilket motsvarar totalt 10 864 200 röster. Bolaget innehar inga egna aktier.

The total number of shares and votes in the Company on the date of this notice is 2 009 100, of which 983 900 are A-shares with ten votes each and 1 025 200 are B-shares with one vote each, which corresponds to a total of 10 864 200 votes. The Company holds no own shares.

Övrig information / Other information
Kopior av redovisningshandlingar och revisionsberättelse, fullmaktsformulär, fullständiga förslag till beslut och övriga handlingar som ska finnas tillgängliga enligt aktiebolagslagen hålls tillgängliga hos Bolaget på Flöjelbergsgatan 20C, 431 37 Mölndal och på Bolagets webbplats, senast tre veckor före årsstämman och sänds till de aktieägare som begär det och uppger sin e-post eller postadress. Handlingar som enligt aktiebolagslagen ska läggas fram på stämman, läggs fram genom att de hålls tillgängliga hos Bolaget och på Bolagets webbplats.

Copies of accounting documents and auditor reports, proxy forms, complete proposals for resolution, and other documentation will be available in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, at the Company’s office on Flöjelbergsgatan 20C, 431 37 Mölndal and on the Company’s website , no later than three weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting, and will be forwarded to shares who request it and provide their address.

Frågerätt / Right to request information
Aktieägarna informeras om sin rätt enligt 7 kap 32 § aktiebolagslagen (2005:551) att vid årsstämman begära upplysningar från styrelsen och verkställande direktören om förhållanden som kan inverka på bedömningen av ett ärende på dagordningen och förhållanden som kan inverka på bedömningen av Bolagets ekonomiska situation.

The Shareholders are informed of their right according to Chapter 7, Section 32 of the Swedish Companies Act (2055:551) to request information from the Board of Directors and the CEO at the Annual General Meeting about conditions that may affect the assessment of a matter on the agenda and conditions that may affect the assessment of the Company’s financial situation.

Behandling av personuppgifter / Processing of personal data
För information om hur dina personuppgifter behandlas, se

For information about how your personal data is processed, see

För ytterligare information kontakta:
Louice Rosdahl, VD, RanLOS AB (publ)
Telefon: +46 73 081 99 91

RanLOS är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG är bolagets Certified Adviser.

RanLOS är en innovativ leverantör av kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av antennsystem och connectivity. Företaget grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS har sina rötter från Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige, och är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. RanLOS produkter är utformade för att testa fordon, basstationer, antenner samt andra uppkopplade enheter och kan testa relevanta standarder såsom 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi och V2X. Läs mer på

RanLOS aktie (RLOS B) är föremål för handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm med SKMG som Certified Adviser,


Louice Rosdahl
+46 (0)73-081 99 91

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Application Notes Educational

Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

Application Note

Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

There is a critical importance of continuous testing when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. Why is this important and how can car manufacturers perform tests during development in a convenient and cost-effective way? Let’s explore this in our application note below. 

RanLOS test setup for testing wireless communication systems for vehicles


This application note emphasizes the critical importance of comprehensive testing in developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. These systems, characterized by complexity involving digital components, analog components, and software, demand thorough testing for both customer satisfaction and system reliability.

The theory of signal modulation underscores the significance of accurate signal detection at the receiver’s end, particularly in systems with higher modulation schemes that store more information. Natural and in-car disturbances impact signal quality and need to be considered when the test system is chosen to be used for measurements and verification of the vehicle communication system.

In conclusion, this application note highlights why it is important to perform tests when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. It also presents RanLOS test system as a cost-effective and reliable solution to ensure optimum measurement performance.

Short description of a typical communication system

When establishing a wireless connection, the capacity and therefore the throughput is important. The communication system consists of a number of components and subsystems. It is a complex system with digital and analog subsystems and much software. Customer experience is of high importance and the quality of the communication system is very important. Testing the entire communication system in a car is therefore of high priority. In addition, a growing percentage of the vehicle’s technical performance depends on how well the communication system works. All this shows that tests of the communication system are a vital part of the development process of new vehicles.

A wireless communication channel uses a space in the frequency spectrum. In order to use the frequency space as efficiently as possible the frequency spectrum is divided into areas that can be used for different purposes and functionalities. The frequency space is then used for transferring digital data at a certain speed (capacity/throughput). To be able to communicate with as high capacity/throughput as possible, different modulation technologies are being used. High order modulation scheme enables high data rates but will also require a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

QAM constellation diagrams

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM.

Measurements with RanLOS test equipment

RanLOS test technology is based on practical parameters and is designed to be easy to use, cost-effective, and deliver excellent measurement quality. The test systems are designed to be used in anechoic chambers, semi-anechoic chambers, EMC chambers, open measurement sites, etc. 

The RanLOS test technology makes it possible to perform measurements in far-field conditions whilst the competitors mainly measure in near-field conditions and thereafter convert the result to far-field conditions with mathematical methods. This means that the RanLOS system is easy to use and that it is possible to supplement an already existing EMC chambers to do the measurement of the communication system in the vehicle.

Do you want to learn more about why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles? Make sure to download our free pdf version of this Application Note below. ✅

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EP8: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Automotive trends and insights


#8 - Executive Talks by RanLOS:

Automotive trends and insights

In this episode of Executive Talks we look into some intriguing insights shaping the automotive industry. We dig into which automakers that are dominating the market, robotaxis, and other advancements for autonomous vehicles. Let’s explore the latest trends below.

World’s top-selling car brands in 2023 
We dive into a breakdown of the largest car manufacturers globally. Topping the charts is Toyota, maintaining its stronghold closely followed by Volkswagen. Ford secures its position in the top ranks, alongside Korean and Japanese brands like Hyundai, Honda, Nissan, Kia, and Suzuki. Notably, Chinese company Build Your Dream (BYD) makes waves, surpassing even Chevrolet and Mercedes. Also, worth noting is that Mercedes slips out of the top ten, now residing in eleventh place.

Main take-aways:

  • Toyota is still number one and maintaining dominance in the market
  • BYD’s outselling Tesla in electric cars (EV) underscores China’s growing influence in the automotive sector
  • RanLOS resellers are all located in the top geographies in the list
World's top selling car brands in 2023 - Felipe Munoz, Car Industry Analysis

Source: Felipe Munoz, Car Industry Analysis. Find the full post on LinkedIn here. 

Hyundai’s self-driving robotaxi
Hyundai takes the spotlight when they promote their self-driving robotaxi, the IONIQ 5, passing a driving test and getting a driver’s license. The robotaxi is developed in collaboration with Motional. The video below shows how the driving test was performed and the score the IONIQ 5 got. These advancements mark a significant step forward for autonomous mobility, promising safer and more efficient transportation solutions.

Note: This is an ad for Hyundai.

Nvidia’s development for autonomous vehicles
When talking about autonomous vehicles, we need to mention Nvidia since they emerged as a big player in the market. With a dedicated division for autonomous driving, Nvidia leads the charge in developing cutting-edge technology to power self-driving vehicles effectively.

  • Nvidia’s central computer system promises enhanced processing power, streamlining data management in self-driving cars.
  • The integration of the powerful Nvidia DRIVE THOR will be integrated in all ZEEKR cars from 2025 signals a pivotal shift towards centralized processing in autonomous vehicles.
  • During the Nvidia event GTC in March 2024, they also announced that BYD (Build Your Dream) will have Nividia DRIVE THOR in their vehicles in 2025. Do you want to watch more from the GTC event – watch this video.

Navigating the future: Rapid development and progress
The automotive landscape is evolving at a fast pace, driven by innovation and technological breakthroughs. As development accelerates, the future holds boundless possibilities, reshaping how we perceive automotive transportation.

  • Advancements in autonomous driving technology are poised to revolutionize the way we commute, offering safer and more efficient transportation solutions.
  • With better in-vehicle computer systems, self-driving cars will keep becoming smarter, safer, and more capable every day

Final thoughts
We are on a journey towards a smarter and more connected future, the automotive industry stands at the edge of a transformative era. From the giants leading the charge to new innovations reshaping mobility and transportation, the road ahead is paved with endless opportunities. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry. Together, let’s work for a better connected society.

Do you like this kind of news and insights? Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn for all the latest news.

List of sources:

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EP7: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Interview with Madeleine


#7 - Executive Talks by RanLOS

Exploring Innovation: A deep dive into the RanLOS background and technology with Madeleine Schilliger Kildal

RanLOS CEO Louice Rosdahl meets Madeleine Schilliger Kildal as she unveils the story behind RanLOS’ evolution. From academia and real-world application to a game-changing solution for engineers and businesses who want to perform smarter and more cost-effective vehicle connectivity testing.

The background of RanLOS
The story of RanLOS traces back to Madeleine’s father, professor Per-Simon Kildal (1951-2016). He had an idea of an affordable and easy-to-use OTA measurement system using Random Line-of-Sight (RanLOS) technology at Chalmers University of Technology.

As a result, RanLOS AB was founded in 2016 and has been granted several patents of the Random Line-of-Sight technology. The RanLOS products have been realized by PhD Madeleine Schilliger Kildal and Professor Jan Carlsson, among others.

Meet the Engineer: Madeleine Schilliger Kildal
In 2014, ten years ago, Madeleine started her journey as a PhD student in the antenna group at Chalmers University of Technology. That’s when she started researching on what later would become the RanLOS test system. 

Louice: “What would you say, in essence, that your dissertation was about?”
Madeleine: “It was primarily about simulation and verification of our test systems. From how the system was simulated, to the end when we built prototypes and validated these simulation results with measurement results.”

Fast forward to 2020, Madeleine defended her thesis on the RanLOS test system, which marked a big milestone. Since then, her commitment to continue to develop the RanLOS solutions has made a big impact on the current offerings RanLOS provides to the market.

For Madeleine, one of the most rewarding aspects of her journey was witnessing theory turn into reality. Turning the concepts she simulated on a computer into RanLOS test systems. As she reflects on her experiences, she points out that the simulations aligning with real-world measurements are another big milestone during the development.

The benefits of RanLOS
Madeleine emphasizes the strengths of the RanLOS test system (BeamForce 42) and software (BeamLab), highlighting its user-friendly interface and reliable results without the need for big investments, which generally are the case with competitive solutions. RanLOS enables testing of antenna radiation patterns and vehicle connectivity in an innovative and smart way. By providing a stand-out solution when it comes to flexibility and cost-effectivity, RanLOS empowers engineers with versatile tools for navigating the complexities of testing connected vehicles today.

Conclusion: A vision for the future of testing
If we look ahead, Madeleine is filled with optimism, envisioning a world where RanLOS technology continues to redefine automotive connectivity testing. RanLOS aims to keep inspiring engineers and innovators to push boundaries and embrace the possibilities of tomorrow. Madeleine is committed to helping customers excel and making testing easier for companies and engineers. 

Short information about Madeleine:

  • Name: Madeleine Schilliger Kildal
  • Title: System and application engineer, PhD 
  • Years at RanLOS: 6 years

Madeleine Schilliger Kildal, RanLOS

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PR - All PR - Regulatory

RanLOS bokslutskommunike 2023

2024-02-23 (08.30 CET)
Gothenburg, Sweden

Press release – Regulatory

RanLOS AB publicerar bokslutskommuniké för 2023

Hög säljaktivitet på global skala
Flertalet viktiga milstolpar har uppnåtts under 2023. Det har varit stort fokus på sälj, leverans och att bygga pipeline tillsammans med de globala återförsäljarna:

  • En delleverans har gjorts till den europeiska premiumbiltillverkaren som RanLOS fick en order av i mitten på 2023. Två ytterligare delleveranser kommer att genomföras och faktureras under 2024.
  • Pipelineutveckling: Vissa kunder har redan valt RanLOS som teknisk lösning och ansöker om intern budget, det uppskattade värdet för dessa affärer räknas till cirka 7 MSEK. Framgångsrika demonstrationer bidrar ytterligare till pipelineutvecklingen, dessa affärer värderas till cirka 10 MSEK. Utöver detta har tekniska möten hållits med kunder som utvärderar RanLOS lösning. Totalt värde för pipelinen under 2023 uppskattas till 70 MSEK.
  • En annan viktig milstolpe har varit att få ökad synlighet på marknaden. RanLOS marknadsföringssatsningar resulterade till exempel i en omslagsartikel i Microwave Journal, en av de främsta globala tidningarna i branschen. Det blev även stort intresse i samband med RanLOS partnerskap med Anritsu för 5G testning av fordon. Anritsu är en av världens största leverantörer av mätinstrument. Artikeln spreds globalt och översattes till fem olika språk.

Efter periodens slut säkrade RanLOS finansiering från huvudägare, Almi, samt bank på 4 MSEK. Lånen kommer endast tas vid behov, i det fall förväntad försäljning uteblir.

Under 2023 nådde RanLOS nya höjder. En av de mest noterbara prestationerna har varit uppbyggandet av vår pipeline på ca 70 MSEK med några av världens främsta biltillverkare, underleverantörer och testlabb.

Vidare har vi haft flera framgångsrika demonstrationer som tydligt visar tillförlitligheten och enkelheten hos vårt system. Dessa demonstrationer har inte bara imponerat på kunder utan även väckt nyfikenhet och intresse hos potentiella samarbetspartners. En följd av detta är bland annat det partnerskap vi har fått med mätinstrumentbolaget Anritsu.

Marknadspotentialen för OTA-testning är stor och växer stadigt. För närvarande är det endast ett fåtal fordonstillverkare som har investerat i egen mätutrustning för att mäta connectivity. Men med en ökande efterfrågan förväntas detta bli standard inom några år. Genom att integrera vårt system med Anritsus instrument för 5G-mätningar, har vi skapat en nyckelfärdig lösning som alla kunder har råd med, den första med potential att bli standard på marknaden.

Allt detta ger oss inte bara trovärdighet och förtroende, utan också en stark grund för fortsatt tillväxt och framgång. Vår vision och dedikation driver oss att fortsätta att vara pionjärer inom vår bransch. Dessa spännande framsteg för RanLOS pekar på ett lovande 2024!

Rapporten i sin helhet, samt tidigare finansiella rapporter, finns på

För ytterligare information kontakta: 
Louice Rosdahl, VD, RanLOS AB (publ)
Telefon: +46 (0)73 081 99 91

RanLOS är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG är bolagets Certified Adviser.

RanLOS är en innovativ leverantör av kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av antennsystem och connectivity. Företaget grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS har sina rötter från Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige, och är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. RanLOS produkter är utformade för att testa fordon, basstationer, antenner samt andra uppkopplade enheter och kan testa relevanta standarder såsom 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi och V2X. Läs mer på

Denna information är sådan information som RanLOS är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 2024-02-23 08:30 CET.

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We aim to create a better connected society. To do so we need easy-to-use and flexible solutions for testing wireless performance over-the-air (OTA). It includes all relevant standards today and tomorrow; such as 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Work with us and start measuring easier, faster and smarter. 

Application Note - free download

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