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Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

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Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

There is a critical importance of continuous testing when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. Why is this important and how can car manufacturers perform tests during development in a convenient and cost-effective way? Let’s explore this in our application note below. 

RanLOS test setup for testing wireless communication systems for vehicles


This application note emphasizes the critical importance of comprehensive testing in developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. These systems, characterized by complexity involving digital components, analog components, and software, demand thorough testing for both customer satisfaction and system reliability.

The theory of signal modulation underscores the significance of accurate signal detection at the receiver’s end, particularly in systems with higher modulation schemes that store more information. Natural and in-car disturbances impact signal quality and need to be considered when the test system is chosen to be used for measurements and verification of the vehicle communication system.

In conclusion, this application note highlights why it is important to perform tests when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. It also presents RanLOS test system as a cost-effective and reliable solution to ensure optimum measurement performance.

Short description of a typical communication system

When establishing a wireless connection, the capacity and therefore the throughput is important. The communication system consists of a number of components and subsystems. It is a complex system with digital and analog subsystems and much software. Customer experience is of high importance and the quality of the communication system is very important. Testing the entire communication system in a car is therefore of high priority. In addition, a growing percentage of the vehicle’s technical performance depends on how well the communication system works. All this shows that tests of the communication system are a vital part of the development process of new vehicles.

A wireless communication channel uses a space in the frequency spectrum. In order to use the frequency space as efficiently as possible the frequency spectrum is divided into areas that can be used for different purposes and functionalities. The frequency space is then used for transferring digital data at a certain speed (capacity/throughput). To be able to communicate with as high capacity/throughput as possible, different modulation technologies are being used. High order modulation scheme enables high data rates but will also require a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

QAM constellation diagrams

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM.

Measurements with RanLOS test equipment

RanLOS test technology is based on practical parameters and is designed to be easy to use, cost-effective, and deliver excellent measurement quality. The test systems are designed to be used in anechoic chambers, semi-anechoic chambers, EMC chambers, open measurement sites, etc. 

The RanLOS test technology makes it possible to perform measurements in far-field conditions whilst the competitors mainly measure in near-field conditions and thereafter convert the result to far-field conditions with mathematical methods. This means that the RanLOS system is easy to use and that it is possible to supplement an already existing EMC chambers to do the measurement of the communication system in the vehicle.

Do you want to learn more about why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles? Make sure to download our free pdf version of this Application Note below. ✅

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EP8: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Automotive trends and insights


#8 - Executive Talks by RanLOS:

Automotive trends and insights

In this episode of Executive Talks we look into some intriguing insights shaping the automotive industry. We dig into which automakers that are dominating the market, robotaxis, and other advancements for autonomous vehicles. Let’s explore the latest trends below.

World’s top-selling car brands in 2023 
We dive into a breakdown of the largest car manufacturers globally. Topping the charts is Toyota, maintaining its stronghold closely followed by Volkswagen. Ford secures its position in the top ranks, alongside Korean and Japanese brands like Hyundai, Honda, Nissan, Kia, and Suzuki. Notably, Chinese company Build Your Dream (BYD) makes waves, surpassing even Chevrolet and Mercedes. Also, worth noting is that Mercedes slips out of the top ten, now residing in eleventh place.

Main take-aways:

  • Toyota is still number one and maintaining dominance in the market
  • BYD’s outselling Tesla in electric cars (EV) underscores China’s growing influence in the automotive sector
  • RanLOS resellers are all located in the top geographies in the list
World's top selling car brands in 2023 - Felipe Munoz, Car Industry Analysis

Source: Felipe Munoz, Car Industry Analysis. Find the full post on LinkedIn here. 

Hyundai’s self-driving robotaxi
Hyundai takes the spotlight when they promote their self-driving robotaxi, the IONIQ 5, passing a driving test and getting a driver’s license. The robotaxi is developed in collaboration with Motional. The video below shows how the driving test was performed and the score the IONIQ 5 got. These advancements mark a significant step forward for autonomous mobility, promising safer and more efficient transportation solutions.

Note: This is an ad for Hyundai.

Nvidia’s development for autonomous vehicles
When talking about autonomous vehicles, we need to mention Nvidia since they emerged as a big player in the market. With a dedicated division for autonomous driving, Nvidia leads the charge in developing cutting-edge technology to power self-driving vehicles effectively.

  • Nvidia’s central computer system promises enhanced processing power, streamlining data management in self-driving cars.
  • The integration of the powerful Nvidia DRIVE THOR will be integrated in all ZEEKR cars from 2025 signals a pivotal shift towards centralized processing in autonomous vehicles.
  • During the Nvidia event GTC in March 2024, they also announced that BYD (Build Your Dream) will have Nividia DRIVE THOR in their vehicles in 2025. Do you want to watch more from the GTC event – watch this video.

Navigating the future: Rapid development and progress
The automotive landscape is evolving at a fast pace, driven by innovation and technological breakthroughs. As development accelerates, the future holds boundless possibilities, reshaping how we perceive automotive transportation.

  • Advancements in autonomous driving technology are poised to revolutionize the way we commute, offering safer and more efficient transportation solutions.
  • With better in-vehicle computer systems, self-driving cars will keep becoming smarter, safer, and more capable every day

Final thoughts
We are on a journey towards a smarter and more connected future, the automotive industry stands at the edge of a transformative era. From the giants leading the charge to new innovations reshaping mobility and transportation, the road ahead is paved with endless opportunities. Join us as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of the automotive industry. Together, let’s work for a better connected society.

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EP7: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Interview with Madeleine


#7 - Executive Talks by RanLOS

Exploring Innovation: A deep dive into the RanLOS background and technology with Madeleine Schilliger Kildal

RanLOS CEO Louice Rosdahl meets Madeleine Schilliger Kildal as she unveils the story behind RanLOS’ evolution. From academia and real-world application to a game-changing solution for engineers and businesses who want to perform smarter and more cost-effective vehicle connectivity testing.

The background of RanLOS
The story of RanLOS traces back to Madeleine’s father, professor Per-Simon Kildal (1951-2016). He had an idea of an affordable and easy-to-use OTA measurement system using Random Line-of-Sight (RanLOS) technology at Chalmers University of Technology.

As a result, RanLOS AB was founded in 2016 and has been granted several patents of the Random Line-of-Sight technology. The RanLOS products have been realized by PhD Madeleine Schilliger Kildal and Professor Jan Carlsson, among others.

Meet the Engineer: Madeleine Schilliger Kildal
In 2014, ten years ago, Madeleine started her journey as a PhD student in the antenna group at Chalmers University of Technology. That’s when she started researching on what later would become the RanLOS test system. 

Louice: “What would you say, in essence, that your dissertation was about?”
Madeleine: “It was primarily about simulation and verification of our test systems. From how the system was simulated, to the end when we built prototypes and validated these simulation results with measurement results.”

Fast forward to 2020, Madeleine defended her thesis on the RanLOS test system, which marked a big milestone. Since then, her commitment to continue to develop the RanLOS solutions has made a big impact on the current offerings RanLOS provides to the market.

For Madeleine, one of the most rewarding aspects of her journey was witnessing theory turn into reality. Turning the concepts she simulated on a computer into RanLOS test systems. As she reflects on her experiences, she points out that the simulations aligning with real-world measurements are another big milestone during the development.

The benefits of RanLOS
Madeleine emphasizes the strengths of the RanLOS test system (BeamForce 42) and software (BeamLab), highlighting its user-friendly interface and reliable results without the need for big investments, which generally are the case with competitive solutions. RanLOS enables testing of antenna radiation patterns and vehicle connectivity in an innovative and smart way. By providing a stand-out solution when it comes to flexibility and cost-effectivity, RanLOS empowers engineers with versatile tools for navigating the complexities of testing connected vehicles today.

Conclusion: A vision for the future of testing
If we look ahead, Madeleine is filled with optimism, envisioning a world where RanLOS technology continues to redefine automotive connectivity testing. RanLOS aims to keep inspiring engineers and innovators to push boundaries and embrace the possibilities of tomorrow. Madeleine is committed to helping customers excel and making testing easier for companies and engineers. 

Short information about Madeleine:

  • Name: Madeleine Schilliger Kildal
  • Title: System and application engineer, PhD 
  • Years at RanLOS: 6 years

Madeleine Schilliger Kildal, RanLOS

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RanLOS bokslutskommunike 2023

2024-02-23 (08.30 CET)
Gothenburg, Sweden

Press release – Regulatory

RanLOS AB publicerar bokslutskommuniké för 2023

Hög säljaktivitet på global skala
Flertalet viktiga milstolpar har uppnåtts under 2023. Det har varit stort fokus på sälj, leverans och att bygga pipeline tillsammans med de globala återförsäljarna:

  • En delleverans har gjorts till den europeiska premiumbiltillverkaren som RanLOS fick en order av i mitten på 2023. Två ytterligare delleveranser kommer att genomföras och faktureras under 2024.
  • Pipelineutveckling: Vissa kunder har redan valt RanLOS som teknisk lösning och ansöker om intern budget, det uppskattade värdet för dessa affärer räknas till cirka 7 MSEK. Framgångsrika demonstrationer bidrar ytterligare till pipelineutvecklingen, dessa affärer värderas till cirka 10 MSEK. Utöver detta har tekniska möten hållits med kunder som utvärderar RanLOS lösning. Totalt värde för pipelinen under 2023 uppskattas till 70 MSEK.
  • En annan viktig milstolpe har varit att få ökad synlighet på marknaden. RanLOS marknadsföringssatsningar resulterade till exempel i en omslagsartikel i Microwave Journal, en av de främsta globala tidningarna i branschen. Det blev även stort intresse i samband med RanLOS partnerskap med Anritsu för 5G testning av fordon. Anritsu är en av världens största leverantörer av mätinstrument. Artikeln spreds globalt och översattes till fem olika språk.

Efter periodens slut säkrade RanLOS finansiering från huvudägare, Almi, samt bank på 4 MSEK. Lånen kommer endast tas vid behov, i det fall förväntad försäljning uteblir.

Under 2023 nådde RanLOS nya höjder. En av de mest noterbara prestationerna har varit uppbyggandet av vår pipeline på ca 70 MSEK med några av världens främsta biltillverkare, underleverantörer och testlabb.

Vidare har vi haft flera framgångsrika demonstrationer som tydligt visar tillförlitligheten och enkelheten hos vårt system. Dessa demonstrationer har inte bara imponerat på kunder utan även väckt nyfikenhet och intresse hos potentiella samarbetspartners. En följd av detta är bland annat det partnerskap vi har fått med mätinstrumentbolaget Anritsu.

Marknadspotentialen för OTA-testning är stor och växer stadigt. För närvarande är det endast ett fåtal fordonstillverkare som har investerat i egen mätutrustning för att mäta connectivity. Men med en ökande efterfrågan förväntas detta bli standard inom några år. Genom att integrera vårt system med Anritsus instrument för 5G-mätningar, har vi skapat en nyckelfärdig lösning som alla kunder har råd med, den första med potential att bli standard på marknaden.

Allt detta ger oss inte bara trovärdighet och förtroende, utan också en stark grund för fortsatt tillväxt och framgång. Vår vision och dedikation driver oss att fortsätta att vara pionjärer inom vår bransch. Dessa spännande framsteg för RanLOS pekar på ett lovande 2024!

Rapporten i sin helhet, samt tidigare finansiella rapporter, finns på www.ranlos.com

För ytterligare information kontakta: 
Louice Rosdahl, VD, RanLOS AB (publ)
Telefon: +46 (0)73 081 99 91
E-post: Louice.rosdahl@ranlos.com

RanLOS är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG är bolagets Certified Adviser.

RanLOS är en innovativ leverantör av kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av antennsystem och connectivity. Företaget grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS har sina rötter från Chalmers tekniska högskola i Göteborg, Sverige, och är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. RanLOS produkter är utformade för att testa fordon, basstationer, antenner samt andra uppkopplade enheter och kan testa relevanta standarder såsom 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi och V2X. Läs mer på www.ranlos.com

Denna information är sådan information som RanLOS är skyldigt att offentliggöra enligt EU:s marknadsmissbruksförordning. Informationen lämnades, genom ovanstående kontaktpersons försorg, för offentliggörande den 2024-02-23 08:30 CET.

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RanLOS receives important patent approval in Japan

2024-02-22 (13:00 CET)
Press release

RanLOS receives important patent approval in Japan that strengthens the protection of RanLOS connectivity test systems

RanLOS AB (publ) has received patent approval for a key patent in Japan regarding the patent application ”Method and apparatus for testing wireless communication to vehicles”. RanLOS now has two approved patents in Japan. This strengthens and extends the patent protection for the company’s test system. The patent will be valid until the 15th of December 2036.

RanLOS patent Japan

The RanLOS test system enables car manufacturers to test connectivity, throughput, and antenna performance smarter and more cost-effectively. With RanLOS solutions, car manufacturers can test earlier in the development process and continuously perform repeatable and reliable testing throughout the whole product development process.

An important market segment that continues to grow rapidly is wireless communication for automotive applications, such as cars, buses, and other vehicles. There is a serious demand for reliable and cost-effective Over-the-Air (OTA) testing of wireless communications for vehicles and other automotive applications and between vehicles on the road. The RanLOS test system is a solution to this problem. It is a portable and accurate test system that can be placed in both existing test facilities and test tents. Together with RanLOS software, the hardware system is connected to standard measurement instruments and turntables, resulting in a smart and effective turnkey solution for car manufacturers aiming to create better connected cars.

For further information, please contact:
Louice Rosdahl, CEO
Email: louice.rosdahl@ranlos.com
Phone: +46 (0) 730-81 99 91

This information was submitted for publication through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 13.00 CET on February 22, 2024.

About RanLOS AB (publ)
RanLOS is an innovative provider of OTA test solutions for full-vehicle connectivity and antenna testing. The company was founded in 2016 by Professor Per-Simon Kildal, one of the world’s most influential antenna experts. Professor Kildal also founded the companies Bluetest and Gapwaves. RanLOS has its origins from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq Stock Exchange. RanLOS aims to provide customers with the most cost-efficient and easy-to-use OTA test solutions. The patented hardware and proprietary software are based on several years of research and are designed to test all relevant standards such as 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and V2X.

For more information, visit RanLOS website: www.ranlos.com

RanLOS is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. SKMG is RanLOS’ Certified Adviser.

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Make sure to follow RanLOS at LinkedIn, have a look our latest news here or reach out to our employees. 

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Application Notes Educational

Maximizing communication quality: Unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars

Application Note

Maximizing communication quality: Unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars

To optimize the connectivity of the car, the position of the antennas is of high importance. In this application note, we explore how car manufacturers can maximize communication quality and unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars.

antenna placement on modern car


To optimize the connectivity of the car, the position of the antennas is of high importance. The car is normally made of metal parts which are acting as a ground plane, therefore the body of the car, i.e., the shape is very much affecting the antenna performance and thereby the connectivity. A relatively common vehicle antenna type is the shark-fin antenna that normally is placed on the roof of the car. It is important that the position of the antenna is optimized to get the best possible performance, both regarding the radiation pattern of the antenna and the connectivity.

The material of the roof has, of course, also a big impact on the overall performance of the system. The roof can be made of, for example, carbon fiber or glass (2). The roof can also be missing as in convertible cars (3), and then an alternative placement of the antenna is needed. This will for sure have an impact on the communication system performance.

An antenna mounted on a glass roof can be an attractive design but is not optimal for the performance of the communication system. The same applies to a car without a roof because the antenna must be placed in an alternative location, for example at the back of the car. In this application note, we will give examples on how different placements of the antenna can result in a reduction of the communication distance.

To be able to position the antenna with best possible communication quality as a result, there is a need of accurate test methods. Tests of a whole car are rather complex processes and expensive test facilities are needed. The needed test equipment is advanced and there is only a few of these test facilities available which make the verification cumbersome.

This is not a practical way forward; the engineers need to perform measurements throughout the whole development process. A misplaced antenna will result in unnecessary bad communication system performance such as, for example, to short communication distance and low communication capacity. RanLOS test setup is designed to be an easy-to-use measurement tool for antenna and throughput measurements. The test equipment is designed to be used in existing chambers or in open areas with weather protection. A long series of verifications and tests have been carried out to verify the quality of RanLOS test technology and these have shown that the technology is very reliable

Different antenna placements

The position of the antenna will give different communication performance. See the pictures below on different car models and antenna placements:

(1) Roof-mounted antenna with a position at the rear of the roof

(2) Modern car with glass or carbon fibre roof

(3) Cabriolet car without roof

Measurements with RanLOS test equipment

RanLOS test equipment is designed to be fitted into simple test sites or existing EMC chambers.

When the car is positioned in front of the RanLOS test setup, two different types of measurements can be performed to characterize the antenna and the quality of the wireless connection to the car…

Curious to learn more about how to maximize communication quality and unlock the optimal antenna placement for cars?
Make sure to download our free pdf version of the Application Note below. ✅

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EP6: Executive Talks by RanLOS – Developments in the automotive industry


#6 - Executive Talks by RanLOS:

Developments in the automotive industry

In the latest episode of Executive Talks by RanLOS, we dive into the development of the global automotive industry, as well as how the transformative ACES trends could shape the industry. We aim to show how the ongoing developments in the automotive landscape foster new needs and therefore highlight why OTA and automotive testing solutions should be a vital part of the product development process for car manufacturers going forward.

China’s automotive impact and growth numbers for our markets 
Since 2008, China has been a global automotive powerhouse, surpassing the production figures of the USA, Europe, and Japan combined. Looking at the sales numbers in 2023, both China and India, are back at the same levels as they were pre-COVID.

Zooming into other locations globally, Japan had a remarkable growth in the first half of 2023. Europe, Korea, and other regions are also revving up, showcasing impressive developments with growth numbers during this period, according to VDA and others. See numbers below:

  • Japan: ≈ 20%
  • Europe: ≈ 18%
  • USA: ≈ 13%
  • Korea: ≈ 8%

Macro-economic landscape and inflation trends
A brief macroeconomic overview reveals a positive outlook with stable GDP growth across all regions, according to Statista. This reassuring news also shows that the anticipated decline in inflation in 2024 is especially notable in the USA and Europe. This economic stability will be vital going forward.

The ACES trends
Now, let’s explore the ACES trends and framework including these four pillars – Autonomous, Connectivity, Electrification, and Sharing. These aren’t just buzzwords; they symbolize the transformative forces driving the automotive industry, which includes how we perceive and interact with connected vehicles. Learn more about what ACES means here:

  • Autonomous (A): This refers to the development and integration of self-driving or autonomous vehicles. These vehicles leverage advanced technologies such as sensors, cameras, lidar, and artificial intelligence to navigate and operate without human intervention.
  • Connectivity (C): Connectivity revolves around the seamless communication between vehicles, infrastructure, and other devices. It involves integrating advanced communication technologies like 5G and V2X (vehicle-to-everything). Connected vehicles can share real-time data, enabling features such as traffic management, predictive maintenance, and improved overall driving experience.
  • Electrification (E): Electrification focuses on transitioning from traditional internal combustion engines to electric power. Electric vehicles (EVs) use rechargeable batteries as their primary energy source, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and decreasing environmental impact. This trend aims to create a more sustainable and eco-friendlier automotive ecosystem.
  • Sharing (S): The Sharing aspect pertains to the rise of collaborative and shared mobility solutions. This includes ridesharing services, car-sharing programs, and other innovative models that optimize vehicle usage, reduce congestion, and provide cost-effective alternatives to traditional ownership. The Sharing trend aligns with the shift towards a more efficient and sustainable transportation system.

RanLOS automotive testing solution: Cost-effective and accurate testing
The RanLOS OTA test system provides a solution to navigate and test the needs of connected vehicles. This user-friendly and cost-effective test solution can change the landscape of how connectivity testing is done in the automotive industry, reducing time to market, and enabling repeatable OTA and antenna testing at automakers’ own facilities. It’s a solution that can be used in both existing EMC chambers as well as test tents, which makes the RanLOS test system applicable to all car manufacturers. Learn more here: ranlos.com/automotive

Conclusion: Navigating the road ahead
In conclusion, the automotive industry is not just evolving; it’s undergoing a transformative journey. The technological advancements and developments ahead hold opportunities, where car manufacturers who focus on optimizing vehicle connectivity, which customers demand, will likely become the winners in the long run. For RanLOS, as 2024 unfolds with discussions and demonstrations, we aim to continue to shape how testing is done in the global automotive industry. Bringing cost-effective and accurate testing to car manufacturers worldwide.

Stay tuned for more analyses in the automotive industry and the latest news from RanLOS. 🚗💡

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The Cost-Effective Benefits of OTA Testing for Automakers

Last updated: 2024-01-24

The Cost-Effective Benefits of OTA Testing for Automakers in 2024

By performing OTA testing regularly, automakers can identify and fix issues before they become major problems. This helps to reduce costs during product development, speed up time to market and improve the overall quality of their vehicles. Learn about the importance of OTA testing for the automotive industry and the cost-effective benefits it brings.


The automotive industry is constantly evolving, requiring automakers to stay on top of the latest technology and trends to remain competitive. One of these trends is more connected vehicles, i.e. autonomous driving. An important part of ensuring reliable connectivity of these connected vehicles is Over-the-Air (OTA) testing. By running OTA tests regularly, automakers can identify and fix issues before they become major problems. This helps to reduce the cost of production, speed up time to market and improve the overall quality of their vehicles. 

What is OTA testing?
Over-the-air (OTA) testing is a crucial methodology employed to evaluate the performance and reliability of wireless devices, particularly those integrated with embedded antennas. This technique simulates real-world scenarios to assess the device’s ability to transmit and receive signals effectively under various conditions. OTA testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless operation of wireless devices, particularly in complex environments like vehicles.

Benefits of OTA testing
OTA testing can be done at different instances during product development, which allows automakers to identify and fix issues before they become major problems. This helps reduce production costs, as automakers can avoid costly repairs and recalls.

The OTA testing helps to ensure that the vehicles have reliable connectivity, which is crucial for customer satisfaction and loyalty. In a McKinsey & Co report, they highlight that 37% of car consumers are willing to change car brand due to bad connectivity, which indicate the importance of this topic.

OTA testing also goes beyond basic signal transmission and reception; it also simulates various real-world conditions that can impact wireless communication. These conditions may include movement, interference, and changes in environmental factors. This ensures that the DUT can operate reliably in the challenging environments it will encounter in the real world.

OTA testing is not merely a testing process; it is a strategic investment that automakers cannot afford to ignore. By embracing regular OTA testing at their own site, automakers can get a multitude of benefits, including reduced costs, accelerated time to market, enhanced vehicle performance, improved connectivity and safety, and the ability to embrace technological advancements. Therefore, OTA testing will undoubtedly play an increasingly pivotal role for car manufacturers who aim to reach their customers’ expectations in connectivity for 2024 and beyond.

And since our society becomes more connected every day, the expectations for vehicles will only get higher each year. Automakers responsibility is to make sure vehicles are tested properly during the whole product development, to maintain safety and reliability. process top priority. By performing these OTA tests regularly, with for example RanLOS test system, automakers can not only reduce the cost of production and improve the overall quality of their vehicles, but they can also contribute to a safer and better connected society. 

Data and Sources

  • In a survey by McKinsey & Company, 37% of car consumers reported that they would be willing to switch car brands due to bad connectivity.
  • According to a report by Statista, the global market for OTA testing is expected to reach $10 billion by 2027.
OTA test system-Measure antenna radiation-data throughput

RanLOS Sub-6 GHz test system for automotive OTA testing

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RanLOS utser Mangold Fondkommission till likviditetsgarant för bolagets aktie

2024-01-10 (11.15 CET)
Gothenburg, Sweden

Press release – Regulatory

RanLOS utser Mangold Fondkommission till likviditetsgarant för bolagets aktie

RanLOS AB (publ) (”RanLOS” eller “Bolaget”) meddelar idag att bolaget har utsett Mangold Fondkommission till likviditetsgarant för bolagets aktie. Syftet med likviditetsgarantin är att förbättra likviditeten i aktien och minska skillnaden mellan köp- och säljkurs. Uppdraget påbörjas den 17 januari.


Mangold kommer i sitt uppdrag som likviditetsgarant att säkerställa möjligheten att handla i Bolagets aktie varje dag genom att kontinuerligt ställa handelsposter på vardera köp- och säljsida i orderboken. En likviditetsgaranti ämnar skapa en mer korrekt prisbild i ett bolags aktie, vilket i följd ger en mer korrekt värdering av bolaget och ger möjlighet till en förbättrad handelsvolym i aktien.

För ytterligare information, vänligen kontakta:
Louice Rosdahl VD, RanLOS AB
E-post: louice.rosdahl@ranlos.com
Telefon: +46 (0) 730-81 99 91

RanLOS utvecklar innovativa och kostnadseffektiva mätsystem för testning av såväl antennsystem som connectivity hos fordon och andra uppkopplade enheter. RanLOS grundades 2016 av professor Per-Simon Kildal, en av de främsta antennexperterna i världen. Professor Kildal var verksam vid Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och grundade även bolagen Bluetest och Gapwaves. RanLOS patenterade lösning består av både hårdvara och mjukvara och är baserad på flera års forskning. Bolaget har återförsäljare över hela världen och är noterade på Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Läs mer på: www.ranlos.com

RanLOS aktie (RLOS B) är föremål för handel på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Stockholm med Aqurat Fondkommission AB som Certified Adviser, www.aqurat.se.

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RanLOS presents yearly review and update ahead of 2024

2023-12-20 (16.00 CET)
Gothenburg, Sweden

Press release – Regulatory

RanLOS presents yearly review and update ahead of 2024

RanLOS is pleased to present an overview of the achievements and milestones attained over the last year. As we approach the close of 2023, we reflect on a period of promising developments and where we are right now. The efforts made during 2023 underscore the commitment we have to help our customers perform smarter and more cost-effective testing – aiming for a better connected world.

RanLOS key highlights of 2023:

  • International success: At the beginning of the year, RanLOS proudly delivered and installed the first test system in Japan, marking the beginning of an impactful year. Before summer, we sold our second test system to a leading European premium car manufacturer, further solidifying our presence in the market. It is a three-step delivery. The first one, which is also the largest one, was delivered and invoiced during the autumn of 2023.
  • Market expansion in Asia: During spring we intensified the efforts in China and Korea. We’ve had technical meetings and high interest from leading car manufacturers and suppliers, positioning RanLOS as a leading supplier of innovative test solutions.
  • Partnership with Anritsu: A major milestone in our journey was the establishment of a partnership with Anritsu, one of the largest suppliers of measurement instruments in the world. The collaboration resulted in an integration with our products, creating a new innovative solution for full-vehicle 5G testing, which attracted attention on a global scale. Our solution is the smartest and easiest today. It also comes with a fraction of the cost compared to our competitors’ solutions, which means it has the potential to be a standard on the market.
  • Media recognition: RanLOS marketing efforts spanned across all geographies and resulted in, for example, a cover story in Microwave Journal, the foremost global magazine in our industry. We also got great publicity for our article and solution with Anritsu. The article was translated into 5 different languages and spread around the world. The exposure in media during the last year is a testament that we have a high reach and reliability within the community.
  • Pipeline development: Beyond the product deliveries, we have actively focused on building a robust pipeline. Some customers have already chosen us as their preferred technical solution and are now applying for internal budgets, the estimated value for these deals counts to approximately 7MSEK. Successful demonstrations further contribute to our pipeline development, these deals have an estimated value of around 10MSEK. In addition, we have a lot of technical meetings and customers that are evaluating us. These ongoing evaluations by potential customers indicate a value of approximately 50MSEK.

Summary and anticipations for 2024:
As we conclude this year, RanLOS looks forward to the opportunities that lie ahead in 2024. The development of our pipeline positions us for continued success and helps in our commitment to deliver innovative and cost-effective solutions to customers around the world. RanLOS also remains dedicated to maximizing the value for all shareholders through strategic initiatives, product innovation, and market expansion.

For further information, please contact:
Louice Rosdahl, CEO
Email: louice.rosdahl@ranlos.com
Phone: +46 (0)730-81 99 91

This disclosure contains information that RanLOS is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons, on December 20, 2023, at 16:00 CET.

About RanLOS AB
RanLOS is an innovative provider of OTA test solutions for full-vehicle connectivity and antenna testing. The company was founded in 2016 by Professor Per-Simon Kildal, one of the world’s most influential antenna experts. Professor Kildal also founded the companies Bluetest and Gapwaves. RanLOS has its origins from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is listed on Nasdaq Stock Exchange. RanLOS aims to provide customers with the most cost-efficient and easy-to-use OTA test solutions. The patented hardware and proprietary software are based on several years of research and are designed to test all relevant standards such as 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi, and V2X.

For more information, visit RanLOS website: www.ranlos.com

RanLOS is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. Aqurat is RanLOS’ Certified Adviser.

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We aim to create a better connected society. To do so we need easy-to-use and flexible solutions for testing wireless performance over-the-air (OTA). It includes all relevant standards today and tomorrow; such as 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Work with us and start measuring easier, faster and smarter. 

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