Application Notes Educational

RanLOS test technology – A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Application Note

RanLOS test technology -
A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Reliable and cost-efficient testing is important when developing wireless communication systems, especially in vehicles today. In this application note, we dive into this topic and introduce the RanLOS test technology, a unique solution designed specifically for Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements. 

RanLOS test technology - A unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements

Illustration of RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system 


RanLOS offers a reliable and cost-effective alternative to more expensive and advanced test solutions, enabling efficient testing and evaluation of antenna radiation patterns and communication system throughput. Its modular and upgradable design allows for easy adaptability and installation in diverse testing environments. 

This application note also dives into RanLOS straightforward measurement process, outlining how to perform a measurement in a few easy steps. Additionally, it highlights RanLOS’ compatibility with various industry instruments and communication standards, ensuring its versatility. 

By using the RanLOS test system, users and car manufacturers get a powerful test solution that can guarantee high quality and performance of their wireless communication systems, ultimately leading to more reliable and safer connected vehicles.

The need for test systems: Methods and solutions

The importance of a robust test philosophy in the development of wireless communication systems, particularly those used in vehicles, is essential. The complexity of these systems, which involve digital and analog subsystems along with extensive software, requires thorough testing to ensure customer satisfaction and the overall quality of the communication system in cars.

To measure the communication system of a vehicle you need to simulate the environment in which the vehicle will be used. The communication to and from a vehicle is typically between a car and the surroundings, i.e. other cars, base stations, road-side systems, etc. what we call vehicle-to-everything communication or V2X-communication. Since the antennas used for the communication are far apart and the communication is wireless, the communication is said to be in Over-the-Air (OTA) far-field conditions.

For final system verification or measurements during the development phase, we want to create far-field conditions. This is because obtaining accurate measurement results requires the antenna’s far-field conditions to be met. Therefore, the antenna under test (AUT) must be in the far field of the probe antenna, i.e. the antenna used for the measurement. This can be done in different ways. Perhaps the most obvious way is to use a large enough shielded room so that the AUT and the probe antenna is guaranteed to be at far-field distance for all frequencies of interest. The main disadvantage with this method is that the chamber must be very large, and therefore will be very expensive. 

A commonly used alternative method is to measure in the near-field at a short distance from the AUT. For this, we need to sample the field in many points on a sphere surrounding the AUT and then use complicated mathematical transformations to get the far-field performance of the AUT. The main advantage with this so-called NF-FF (near-field to far-field) method is that the chamber can be made smaller. However, the disadvantages are that we need a mechanically precise positioning device for the probe antenna, and we need to sample in many points on the surrounding sphere, higher frequencies require more points. This in combination with the necessary mathematical transformations will result in long measurement times. Also, the method is not suitable for direct throughput measurements. 

Besides the mentioned methods for creating far-field conditions for the AUT, there are other methods that do not require large distances and thus can be fitted into smaller chambers. 

One such method is to use a two-dimensional array of antennas that are individually amplitude and phase controlled. With such a configuration it is possible to create a plane wave (far-field) at a short distance in front of the 2D array. However, since controllable attenuators and phase shifters are required for all antenna elements in the array it is a complex construction, and a complicated calibration procedure is required. Another limiting factor is the rather limited frequency bandwidth. 

Instead of using a 2D array of antennas, a single antenna illuminating a shaped reflector can be used. This is a much more flexible solution which often is used in high-precision antenna test ranges, so-called compact antenna test ranges (CATR). In such a setup, the feed antenna is normally placed at floor level in a fully anechoic chamber and the double curved reflector is elevated to avoid the feed antenna blocking the field. The test zone where we will have the desired plane wave will therefore be at a certain height over the floor in the chamber, and thus the AUT must be placed on a tower. 

RanLOS test system is basically built on the same principle but instead of using a complicated double curved reflector, we use a single curved cylindrical reflector. The advantage is twofold. First, the reflector is cheaper to manufacture due to its simpler shape, and second, both the reflector and feed array can be placed on floor level in the chamber. The latter is an important advantage since the whole test system can be placed in a semi-anechoic chamber, e.g., an EMC chamber. Another important aspect is that the feed array and the reflector can be made as one unit, which makes it possible to make it mobile so that the test system easily can be rolled in and out of the chamber. Thus, allowing for the chamber to be used for dual purposes, e.g., EMC and antenna testing. The feed array in the RanLOS test system is a dual polarized passive antenna and as such can be used either as a transmitting or receiving antenna, allowing both antenna performance and throughput measurements.    

So, although the RanLOS test technology is less complex, it can deliver the same high measurement quality as expensive and advanced test facilities. 

Additionally, with RanLOS accessibility users can easily perform daily measurements throughout the development process, saving costs and speeding up time to market.

In summary, types of measurement solutions

  1. Far-field chamber, large and expensive
  2. Near-field to far-field method, smaller chamber than the far-field chamber, complicated and advanced equipment, need post-processing, expensive and limited frequency bandwidth
  3. Two-dimensional array of antennas, complicated design and calibration, expensive
  4. Single antenna with double curved reflector,
    smaller chamber, rather complicated, expensive
  5. RanLOS solution, smaller chamber, easy-to-use system that is easy to calibrate and very cost-effective compared to the other solutions

Short video of the benefits of RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system

How to perform a measurement in a few easy steps with RanLOS test system

  1. Select measurement set-up 
    • Align RanLOS measurement system 
    • Choose type of measurement set-up: Passive – Antenna radiation pattern 
    • Active – Wireless system throughput and performance 
    • Select instrumentation, Vector Network Analyzer, or Communication Tester 
    • Select positioner, turntable, etc. 

  2. Perform calibration 
    • Place the calibration antenna at the centre of the turntable 
    • Follow the guidelines in the software 

  3. Perform measurements
    • Place the device under test (DUT) in front of RanLOS BeamForce 42
    • Initiate RanLOS measurement software, select frequencies, angles, etc. 
    • Perform the measurements with the help of the software 

  4. Analyze and visualize measurement results
    • Tables 
    • Plots 
    • Graphs 
    • 1D, 2D, or 3D 
    • Mathematical analyzes 
    • Export to other software, etc. 

Do you want to learn more about RanLOS test technology? Make sure to download our free pdf version of this Application Note below and learn about RanLOS unique solution for cost-effective OTA measurements. ✅

RanLOS-5G-OTA Testing

RanLOS BeamForce 42 test system in Japan

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Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

Application Note

Why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles

There is a critical importance of continuous testing when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. Why is this important and how can car manufacturers perform tests during development in a convenient and cost-effective way? Let’s explore this in our application note below. 

RanLOS test setup for testing wireless communication systems for vehicles


This application note emphasizes the critical importance of comprehensive testing in developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. These systems, characterized by complexity involving digital components, analog components, and software, demand thorough testing for both customer satisfaction and system reliability.

The theory of signal modulation underscores the significance of accurate signal detection at the receiver’s end, particularly in systems with higher modulation schemes that store more information. Natural and in-car disturbances impact signal quality and need to be considered when the test system is chosen to be used for measurements and verification of the vehicle communication system.

In conclusion, this application note highlights why it is important to perform tests when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles. It also presents RanLOS test system as a cost-effective and reliable solution to ensure optimum measurement performance.

Short description of a typical communication system

When establishing a wireless connection, the capacity and therefore the throughput is important. The communication system consists of a number of components and subsystems. It is a complex system with digital and analog subsystems and much software. Customer experience is of high importance and the quality of the communication system is very important. Testing the entire communication system in a car is therefore of high priority. In addition, a growing percentage of the vehicle’s technical performance depends on how well the communication system works. All this shows that tests of the communication system are a vital part of the development process of new vehicles.

A wireless communication channel uses a space in the frequency spectrum. In order to use the frequency space as efficiently as possible the frequency spectrum is divided into areas that can be used for different purposes and functionalities. The frequency space is then used for transferring digital data at a certain speed (capacity/throughput). To be able to communicate with as high capacity/throughput as possible, different modulation technologies are being used. High order modulation scheme enables high data rates but will also require a high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).

QAM constellation diagrams

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM

Examples of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) constellation diagrams, 16 QAM, 64 QAM, and 256 QAM.

Measurements with RanLOS test equipment

RanLOS test technology is based on practical parameters and is designed to be easy to use, cost-effective, and deliver excellent measurement quality. The test systems are designed to be used in anechoic chambers, semi-anechoic chambers, EMC chambers, open measurement sites, etc. 

The RanLOS test technology makes it possible to perform measurements in far-field conditions whilst the competitors mainly measure in near-field conditions and thereafter convert the result to far-field conditions with mathematical methods. This means that the RanLOS system is easy to use and that it is possible to supplement an already existing EMC chambers to do the measurement of the communication system in the vehicle.

Do you want to learn more about why testing is vital when developing wireless communication systems for vehicles? Make sure to download our free pdf version of this Application Note below. ✅

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Maximizing communication quality: Unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars

Application Note

Maximizing communication quality: Unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars

To optimize the connectivity of the car, the position of the antennas is of high importance. In this application note, we explore how car manufacturers can maximize communication quality and unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars.

antenna placement on modern car


To optimize the connectivity of the car, the position of the antennas is of high importance. The car is normally made of metal parts which are acting as a ground plane, therefore the body of the car, i.e., the shape is very much affecting the antenna performance and thereby the connectivity. A relatively common vehicle antenna type is the shark-fin antenna that normally is placed on the roof of the car. It is important that the position of the antenna is optimized to get the best possible performance, both regarding the radiation pattern of the antenna and the connectivity.

The material of the roof has, of course, also a big impact on the overall performance of the system. The roof can be made of, for example, carbon fiber or glass (2). The roof can also be missing as in convertible cars (3), and then an alternative placement of the antenna is needed. This will for sure have an impact on the communication system performance.

An antenna mounted on a glass roof can be an attractive design but is not optimal for the performance of the communication system. The same applies to a car without a roof because the antenna must be placed in an alternative location, for example at the back of the car. In this application note, we will give examples on how different placements of the antenna can result in a reduction of the communication distance.

To be able to position the antenna with best possible communication quality as a result, there is a need of accurate test methods. Tests of a whole car are rather complex processes and expensive test facilities are needed. The needed test equipment is advanced and there is only a few of these test facilities available which make the verification cumbersome.

This is not a practical way forward; the engineers need to perform measurements throughout the whole development process. A misplaced antenna will result in unnecessary bad communication system performance such as, for example, to short communication distance and low communication capacity. RanLOS test setup is designed to be an easy-to-use measurement tool for antenna and throughput measurements. The test equipment is designed to be used in existing chambers or in open areas with weather protection. A long series of verifications and tests have been carried out to verify the quality of RanLOS test technology and these have shown that the technology is very reliable

Different antenna placements

The position of the antenna will give different communication performance. See the pictures below on different car models and antenna placements:

(1) Roof-mounted antenna with a position at the rear of the roof

(2) Modern car with glass or carbon fibre roof

(3) Cabriolet car without roof

Measurements with RanLOS test equipment

RanLOS test equipment is designed to be fitted into simple test sites or existing EMC chambers.

When the car is positioned in front of the RanLOS test setup, two different types of measurements can be performed to characterize the antenna and the quality of the wireless connection to the car…

Curious to learn more about how to maximize communication quality and unlock the optimal antenna placement for cars?
Make sure to download our free pdf version of the Application Note below. ✅

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Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) solution for full-vehicle antenna testing

White paper

Cost-effective Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) solution for full-vehicle antenna testing

This white paper explores the benefits of using RanLOS Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) solution for full-vehicle antenna testing. RanLOS’s cost-effective CATR solution helps test engineers and automakers to measure connectivity and antenna performance more efficiently during the product development process.

The benefits of Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) measurements

Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) can be used to measure large devices such as cars, at a significantly shorter distance than in traditional far-field test ranges. A source antenna (feed) is used to radiate a spherical wave in the direction of a reflector, that transforms the wave into a plane wave. The device under test (DUT) is illuminated by the plane wave and a far-field measurement can hence be performed. 

When performing frequent testing, accuracy and efficiency are equally important. Traditional far-field test ranges, while effective, often require substantial distances to accurately measure large devices such as vehicles. However, the CATR solution has made it easier, enabling engineers and researchers to conduct measurements at significantly shorter distances without compromising accuracy.

Introducing the RanLOS CATR Solution

The RanLOS test system consists of a cylindrical reflector fed by a linear array of dual-polarized antennas. The reflector is 4.2 meters wide and 3.15 meters tall and can be used to measure a wide range of frequencies. Compared to many other CATR methods, RanLOS has a more flexible solution. The RanLOS test system is easy to install and can be added to already existing EMC chambers. For RanLOS test system the feed is mounted together with the reflector. This means no complicated and time-consuming feed alignment during the installation is needed. Together with the fact that the system is portable on wheels, it is easy to upgrade existing EMC chambers by just rolling in the system. The cylindrically shaped reflector is also scalable in width and can be made in sections and is less expensive to manufacture compared to double-curved reflectors. 

The RanLOS system generates a single plane wave. This plane wave is incident on the equipment under test (EUT) from an incident angle determined by the rotation of the EUT. The polarization of the incident wave can be either linear or elliptical (e.g., circular), depending on how the two ports on the RanLOS system are fed. RanLOS software controls the whole process, from calibration, and controlling the turntable or positioner, to measurement and data plotting and analysis. The user gets full control over the whole test process and can easily perform a measurement in 5 easy steps. The system enables far-field measurements of full vehicles, antennas, communication systems, base stations, and other connected devices at only a few meters distance. The RanLOS software is compatible with all standard Vector Network Analyzers and Communication Testers. The software also supports positioner controllers from major manufacturers and adding new functions and/or instrument drivers is easy. 

Viable for Existing Anechoic EMC Chambers
In a typical far-field anechoic chamber, the electromagnetic field radiated from the transmitting antenna propagates as a spherical wave and reaches the test area, the quiet zone. At this time, even in an anechoic chamber, in addition to direct waves from the transmitting antenna, reflected waves from the floor, ceiling, and side walls simultaneously enter the test zone. This results in a distribution of amplitude and phase fluctuations within the test zone, depending on the strength and phase of the reflected waves. 

Due to these reasons, a better solution is to use a CATR system. The CATR system generates plane waves where the radiated power, in directions other than the front direction, is smaller than the radiation from the transmitting antenna in a normal far-field anechoic chamber. In other words, the propagation is less affected by the floor, ceiling, and side walls. 

In normal spherical wave propagation in a far-field anechoic chamber, there is a free space loss in which the received power decreases with distance because the surface area of the spherical wave increases with distance and the power density decreases. 

In the CATR environment, since it is a plane wave, the power density does not change with respect to the distance in the depth direction within the test zone. That is, the received power at the front and back edges of the test zone is the same. Meaning that the RanLOS CATR solution is a perfect solution for existing anechoic EMC chambers.

Precision in a compact form 
With a reflector height of 3.15 meters, the RanLOS CATR system can be efficiently deployed in smaller chambers or testing environments, saving valuable space and facility investments without compromising measurement accuracy. RanLOS reflector is a very cost-efficient solution to enable far-field measurements. Crafted from precision-engineered carbon fiber, the reflector boasts exceptional durability and precision, ensuring long-lasting performance and minimal maintenance requirements. 

Modularity for Frequency Versatility
RanLOS has a modular design using different antenna arrays (feed arrays) to measure desired frequency while using the same reflector. The feed array is easily exchangeable, and it covers an octave bandwidth. To cover the 0.7 to 6 GHz frequency band, the most used frequencies for vehicular communication systems today, three feed arrays are needed. Feed arrays for higher frequencies are on the roadmap, so existing customers can easily upgrade with no need to alter the reflector. This adaptability ensures that RanLOS can effectively accommodate a wide spectrum of frequencies, making it a versatile choice for researchers and engineers working on diverse projects.

Invaluable data for decision-making 
The RanLOS system is used to do Over-the-Air (OTA) measurements and can measure, for example, how antennas radiate in different directions (antenna radiation pattern) or the quality of a communication system. This is important information for the engineer in order to understand how, for example, vehicles receive and transmit data (connectivity/throughput). 

Antenna radiation patterns can be presented in a polar graph (see Figure 1). The graph makes it possible to detect weak directions where the antenna has inferior performance. In the graph in Figure 1 the red trace represents the radiation pattern with the antenna placed at the back of the roof, and the blue when the antenna is moved to the front of the roof. As can be seen in the graph, it is not only the antenna design that is of importance but also the position of the antenna. Therefore, it is important for the design engineer to have a tool to understand the impact of both the antenna design and its position on the vehicle. 

The quality of the wireless connection can be measured with a Radio Communication Tester, simulating wireless communication with a vehicle under test. The test result is presented in a throughput graph (see Figure 2). The graph presents the data throughput as a function of power for one angle. In this graph, it’s possible to identify the receiver threshold which could, e.g., be defined as the received power level when the throughput is 50% of maximum. This is an important quality parameter of the communication system. As can be seen in Figure 2 the step from 100% to 0% throughput is very steep, and therefore the threshold is rather easy to find and a practical parameter to be used in the engineering work. It is also possible to measure and present the throughput for a full 360-degree revolution. 

In Figure 3 it can be seen that the position of the antenna at the back of the roof is better for all directions except towards the forward direction, where the front positioned antenna has better coverage. For example, when the signal is transmitted/received towards the side, at a 100-degree angle, the difference is approximately 15 dB. If the throughput of the communication system is measured and presented at this angle the result is as in the throughput graph in Figure 4. The threshold clearly shows a worse communication quality, at this angle, when the antenna is placed at the front of the roof. 

By using the threshold value together with Friis transmission formula it is possible to compute the maximum communication distance and thus the overall wireless performance of the vehicle. This important information can be obtained by adding, and using, the RanLOS test system in existing EMC chambers. In this way, it is possible to optimize the antenna’s position and compare different antennas and communication systems to improve the overall communication quality. See RanLOS Application Note: “Maximizing communication quality: Unlocking the optimal antenna placement for cars” for more details. 


Based on many years of research with a focus on best performance vs price 
RanLOS has its origins in several years of research and development at Chalmers University of Technology and was established by Professor Per-Simon Kildal in 2016. Professor Kildal was one of the foremost antenna experts in the world. 

RanLOS holds patents globally and is recognized as an innovative supplier of CATR test systems for large test objects. RanLOS has been part of many different research projects where the products have been validated together with both customers and academia. 

Below is a comparison between measurements done using the RanLOS test system and an accredited test facility using an NF-FF system. The device under test was an antenna mounted on the roof of a vehicle body. The measurement results show how RanLOS technology is reliable with results in line with advanced test facilities. These measurements, as well as many additional validation measurements, were performed during the Swedish government-funded project “Simulation and Verification of Wireless Technologies” (SIVERT).

RanLOS OTA test system vs
NF-FF test facility

Comparison between measurements using the RanLOS OTA test system and an accredited test facility using an NF-FF system. The measurements were of an antenna mounted on the roof of a vehicle.

The measurements show that the results from the RanLOS setup are a reliable solution compared to bigger, more expensive, test facilities. These measurements were done during SIVERT - a FFI-Vinnova project.
Increased future testing needs

There is an ongoing change where wireless systems are becoming more advanced and will require increasingly more tests in order to be verified. This places new demands on the measuring equipment in the lab and a need for efficient and affordable test solutions. 

Only a handful of car manufacturers around the world have invested in their own test systems to measure connectivity on an ongoing basis. It is expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to calculate the return on investment with existing solutions. The consequence is that tests are done late in the development process, for example when the car can be driven on public roads or a test track. 

RanLOS equipment is not intended as a certification system but as a tool to be used continuously during the product development process. The system is a complement during the development process and is used to optimize performance and prepare for certification. 


In conclusion, CATR has made testing more versatile by enabling measurements at shorter distances. RanLOS aim is to make testing simple, accessible, and cost-effective. With RanLOS’ affordable solution, testing can be done every day if needed. In this way, customers can detect problems early and save both time and money by shortening their time to market and launching cars that meet the buyers’ high demands. 

RanLOS solution has many advantages:

  • RanLOS CATR system is a perfect solution for existing EMC chambers since the characteristics of the plane wave results in that the propagation is less affected by floor, ceiling, and side walls and the power density does not change in the depth. 

  • By using existing facilities, costs can be reduced without the need to construct a new anechoic chamber for antenna testing. 

  • RanLOS uses a patented cylindrically shaped reflector that is less expensive to manufacture compared to double-curved reflectors and it is scalable in width and can be made in sections. 

  • Test frequencies can be changed by easily replacing the feed array. (Realignment work is not required as only the antenna array at the reflector focus is replaced.) 

  • By combining the turntable with a chassis dynamometer installed in the vehicle EMC anechoic chamber, it is possible to test the vehicle in driving mode and regeneration mode. 

  • It is possible to combine ADAS functional testing and V2X communication quality evaluation.

Want to learn more?

Make sure to follow RanLOS at LinkedIn, have a look our latest news here or reach out to our employees. 

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Educational News

Ericsson Mobility Report – Key Insights


Ericsson Mobility Report
- Key insights

As we look to the future, we know that 5G will play a significant role in shaping our daily lives and connected lifestyle. We see on-going changes in how our connected society shapes with new technologies and solutions, like smart devices used in our homes and offices as well as the development of new cars which rely on high-speed and reliable connectivity.

RanLOS - Ericsson Mobility Report

In the latest Ericsson Mobility Report we get a summarized view and forecasts about the world-wide 5G evolvement and the future of the telecom industry over the years to come. We’ve gathered some short notes and thoughts about the Ericsson Mobility Report (2022-11) here. 

Key insights:

  • 19 GB = That’s the average data consumption per smartphone expected to exceed per month in 2023.  
  • 300 million = That’s the number of FWA connections that are projected in 2028 
  • 5 billion = That’s the forecast of 5G mobile subscriptions in 2028.  
  • 80 % = That’s the percentage of global mobile network traffic that video is expected to account for in 2028.  
  • 38 % = That’s the increase of mobile traffic from Q3 2021 to Q3 2022 

The global mobile network data traffic is almost doubling every two years and has since Q3 2021 increased by around 38% compared to Q1 2022. By the end of 2022, 5G subscriptions are expected to reach 1 billion, and more smart 5G devices with additional capabilities are expected in the market during 2023. Looking ahead to 2028 the assumption is that 5G subscriptions will pass 5 billion and Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) connections will reach 300 million, where 5G will account for almost 80 % of the FWA connections. 

With a global view in mind – 5G is live in all regions and 228 service providers have launched 5G services today, with over 700 units of 5G smartphone models announced or launched commercially. But how service providers are choosing to roll out varies depending on many local factors. For example, 5G mid-band population coverage — which is essential for an optimal 5G service offering and user experience — is deployed at different paces in different markets. It has reached 25 % population coverage globally, but markets like the US have already reached 80 %. 

There are tons of more valuable information in the report, but we can conclude that 5G is evolving and are expected to enable a whole new era of services, applications and experiences in a more rapid pace than the transformation from 3G to 4G. 


Source: Ericsson Mobility Report
Date released: 2022-11-30

Do you want to read the full report? You can find it here:

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We aim to create a better connected society. To do so we need easy-to-use and flexible solutions for testing wireless performance over-the-air (OTA). It includes all relevant standards today and tomorrow; such as 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Work with us and start measuring easier, faster and smarter. 

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