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RanLOS AB (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) har under en intensiv vecka i Kina, 24–28 februari, genomfört möten med flera ledande fordonstillverkare och forskningsinstitut...

Mellan den 16–21 februari 2025 genomförde RanLOS AB:s (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) VD Lars Granbom en produktiv försäljningsresa i Japan. Målet var att driva säljarbetet framåt...

Under 2024 har RanLOS tagit viktiga steg för bolagets utveckling. Styrelsen och verkställande direktören för RanLOS AB (publ) (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) avger härmed bokslutskommuniké för perioden januari–december 2024. Du hittar pressmeddelandet och den fullständiga bokslutskommunikén för 2024 här.

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The measurement system consists of a cylindrical reflector with a linear feed array. The feed array consists of dual-polarized bowtie antennas. The feed array illuminates the reflector which will create a plane wave in the test zone. This means that we have far-field properties in the test zone, which means that we can perform measurements in far-field conditions, even though we are at a short distance from the reflector.

By connecting an instrument, either a network analyzer or communication tester, you can perform either passive or active measurements. The device under test is placed on a turntable in front of the reflector antenna. The instrument and turntable are both easily controlled through the RanLOS software.

Yes, you can measure radiation pattern. You can measure 2D radiation pattern of large devices, such as cars. We are currently developing a tilt system for being used together with the Sub-6 GHz system, this will make it possible to measure semi-3D radiation patterns.

With the mmWave system you will be able to measure a full 3D radiation pattern.

With RanLOS solution you can currently measure antennas in the frequency range 0.7 GHz to 6 GHz as well as 27-29 GHz.

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Bokslutskommuniké 2024 för RanLOS AB

Under 2024 har RanLOS tagit viktiga steg för bolagets utveckling. Styrelsen och verkställande direktören för RanLOS AB (publ) (”RanLOS” eller ”Bolaget”) avger härmed bokslutskommuniké för perioden januari–december 2024. Du hittar pressmeddelandet och den fullständiga bokslutskommunikén för 2024 här.

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About measurements and setup

The measurement system consists of a cylindrical reflector with a linear feed array. The feed array consists of dual-polarized bowtie antennas. The feed array illuminates the reflector which will create a plane wave in the test zone. This means that we have far-field properties in the test zone, which means that we can perform measurements in far-field conditions, even though we are at a short distance from the reflector.

By connecting an instrument, either a network analyzer or communication tester, you can perform either passive or active measurements. The device under test is placed on a turntable in front of the reflector antenna. The instrument and turntable are both easily controlled through the RanLOS software.

Yes, you can measure radiation pattern. You can measure 2D radiation pattern of large devices, such as cars. We are currently developing a tilt system for being used together with the Sub-6 GHz system, this will make it possible to measure semi-3D radiation patterns.

With the mmWave system you will be able to measure a full 3D radiation pattern.

With RanLOS solution you can currently measure antennas in the frequency range 0.7 GHz to 6 GHz as well as 27-29 GHz.

Our system is preferably used in an anechoic or semi-anechoic chamber. This will give a controlled environment with no interferences. However, the system can also be used in simpler setups, such as an outdoor tent.

We do not have a solution for 55 GHz and 77 GHz yet. However, we are looking into this. Feel free to contact us to talk and discuss other frequencies than the ones we currently provide (0.7 – 6 GHz and 27-29 GHz).

Yes, we can measure up to 2×2 MIMO data throughput.

No, but we have partners that can provide the chambers. Contact us for more details.

No, not at the moment. However, our software supports a range of different positions and we can make our software work with already existing turntables and positioners in your current chambers.

Our software supports a range of different instruments and positioners, see the product brochure – read more and download pdf here. The software is module-based, such that it also is easy to add drivers for other instruments and positioners if needed.

The Sub-6 GHz system is 2.1 m x 3.3 m x 4.3 m.

The mmWave-system is 0.4 m x 0.6 m x 0.8 m.

With RanLOS solution you can do both passive and active measurements. Passive measurements such as radiation pattern and gain measurements of antennas. Active measurements such as data throughput up to 2×2 MIMO.

Yes, we provide calibration antennas.

About measurements and setup

The measurement system consists of a cylindrical reflector with a linear feed array. The feed array consists of dual-polarized bowtie antennas. The feed array illuminates the reflector which will create a plane wave in the test zone. This means that we have far-field properties in the test zone, which means that we can perform measurements in far-field conditions, even though we are at a short distance from the reflector.

By connecting an instrument, either a network analyzer or communication tester, you can perform either passive or active measurements. The device under test is placed on a turntable in front of the reflector antenna. The instrument and turntable are both easily controlled through the RanLOS software.

Yes, you can measure radiation pattern. You can measure 2D radiation pattern of large devices, such as cars. We are currently developing a tilt system for being used together with the Sub-6 GHz system, this will make it possible to measure semi-3D radiation patterns.

With the mmWave system you will be able to measure a full 3D radiation pattern.

With RanLOS solution you can currently measure antennas in the frequency range 0.7 GHz to 6 GHz as well as 27-29 GHz.

Our system is preferably used in an anechoic or semi-anechoic chamber. This will give a controlled environment with no interferences. However, the system can also be used in simpler setups, such as an outdoor tent.

We do not have a solution for 55 GHz and 77 GHz yet. However, we are looking into this. Feel free to contact us to talk and discuss other frequencies than the ones we currently provide (0.7 – 6 GHz and 27-29 GHz).

Yes, we can measure up to 2×2 MIMO data throughput.

No, but we have partners that can provide the chambers. Contact us for more details.

No, not at the moment. However, our software supports a range of different positions and we can make our software work with already existing turntables and positioners in your current chambers.

Our software supports a range of different instruments and positioners, see the product brochure – read more and download pdf here. The software is module-based, such that it also is easy to add drivers for other instruments and positioners if needed.

The Sub-6 GHz system is 2.1 m x 3.3 m x 4.3 m.

The mmWave-system is 0.4 m x 0.6 m x 0.8 m.

With RanLOS solution you can do both passive and active measurements. Passive measurements such as radiation pattern and gain measurements of antennas. Active measurements such as data throughput up to 2×2 MIMO.

Yes, we provide calibration antennas.

We aim to create a better connected society. To do so we need easy-to-use and flexible solutions for testing wireless performance over-the-air (OTA). It includes all relevant standards today and tomorrow; such as 3G, 4G, 5G, and WiFi. Work with us and start measuring easier, faster and smarter.